

1. feel类(V+ N. + adj.)

这类动词作系动词的用法时,后面常接形容词或名词,有的后面可接to be,亦可省去。这样的动词有:appear, prove, seem, turn, sound, look, feel, taste, smell, remain等。例如:

He proves (to be) honest/(to be)an honest man.

— Haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine.

— Thanks. You look well. (NMET 1994)

I love to go to the seaside in summer. It feels good to lie in the sun or swim in the cool sea. (NMET 1996)

She looks familiar to me, but I don't remember her name. (NMET 1999)

2. read类(V +adj.)

此类动词的主动形式表被动意义,这样的动词有:sell, wash, read , rent, lock, tear, work out, act, break, carry, cook, count, cut, iron, clean, draw, keep, open, wear等。例如:

This sort of cloth washes well. This kind of cloth wears well. Your pen writes smoothly. Your speech reads well.

Books of this kind sell well. (上海高考1999)

3. surprise类(V + O)

这类动词本身含有“使„”的意思,这样的动词有:seat, engage , amuse , surprise , becalm , belittle , delight , enable , enrich , remind, remove, strengthen, lengthen, deafen, darken, harden, sadden, worsen, whiten, simplify, solidify等。例如:

The kind of medicine has becalmed the patient.

Your visit last week delighted him.

That story reminded me of an experience I had long ago.

We have to take some measures to purify the air in this area.

4. have类动词

英语中一些表存在、状态、构成、所有、心理等动词一般不用进行时,这样的动词有:appear(看来),hold(保持),lie(位于),remain(保持),seem(似乎),stand(坐落),belong to(属于),consist of(组成),contain(包含),depend on(依靠),have(有),resemble(像),feel(感到),hear(听到),see(看到),smell(闻到),taste(尝到),understand(懂得),remember(记得),know(知道)等。例如:

Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

He smelt something burning.

I believe that he believes in me.

5. belong类

英语中有些动词常没有被动语态,如:have, fit. lack, resemble, suit, hold, cost, suffer, last, become, stand, belong, depend on, happen, take place, break out, turn out等。例如:

The room can hold 100 people.

They suffered heavy losses.

Great changes have taken place in this town in the past 10 years.

6. afford类( V+ to do sth. )

这类动词常接不定式作宾语,主要有:afford, agree, aim, arrange , ask , attempt , beg , bother , care , choose , claim , dare , decide , demand, desire, determine, expect, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, long, manage, mean, offer , plan , prepare , pretend , promise, refuse, swear, tend, trouble, want, wish等。例如:

He promised to buy me a bike for my birthday.

How 1 wished to go there. ( NMET 1998) .

Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare, you must learn to share. (NMET2000)

7. decide类(V+ wh- + to do sth.)

此类动词常可接疑问词加不定式作宾语,主要有:ask, consider, decide, discover, discuss, explain, forget, guess, hesitate, know, learn, observe, remember, see, tell, think, understand, wonder, find out, make out, think out等。例如:

I really don’t know where to go.

I wonder which to choose.

I cannot make out how to use this computer.

I've worked with children before, so I know what to except in my new job. (NMET2000)

8. enjoy类(V + doing)

此类动词常接-ing分词作宾语,这样的动词有:admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, consider, defend, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, can' t help, imagine, involve, keep, mind, miss, pardon, practice, prevent, resist, risk, suffer, suggest, give up, put off, set about, be worth, be used to, look forward to, pay attention to, devote oneself to, be devoted to, feel like, burst out等。例如:

You must practise playing the piano every day.

I don’t mind closing the door.

He is used to getting up early.

The patient kept coughing all night. ( NMET1997)

I look forward to hearing from you. ( NMET 1997)

9. try类(V + to do sth./doing)

此类动词既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语,有时意思区别不大,有时则大不相同,具体说来,在like, love, bear, intend, plan, hate, prefer, begin, start, continue后接不定式和动名词区别不大;而在try, remember, forget, mean, stop, can't help, go on等后面则大不一样,具体如下:

try to do sth. (努力去做„)

try doing sth. (试着去做„)

remember to do sth. (记得要做„)

remember doing sth. (记得做过„)

forget to do sth. (忘记要做某事„)

forget doing sth. (忘记做过某事„)

mean to do sth (打算做某事„)

mean doing sth. (意味着„)

can’t help to do sth. (不能帮助做某事)

can’t help doing sth. (禁不住做某事)

stop to do sth. (停止某事做另一件事)

stop doing sth. (停止做某事)

go on to do sth. (接下来做另一件事)

go on doing sth. (继续做同一件事)


I like playing football, but I don't like to play football this afternoon. She can’t help to do housework for you.

She can’t help crying.

Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. (NMET1994)

Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle. (NMET 1994)

I would love to have gone to the party last night, but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. (NMET 1997)

Why haven't you bought any butter?

I meant to but I forgot about it. (NMET 2001)

Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? (NMET 2001)

10. need类(V + V-ing/to be done)

这类动词既可接主动形式的分词又可接被动形式的不定式作宾语,这样的动词有:need, require, want, bear, stand, forbid , deserve等。例如: The old man needs looking after/to be looked after.

He deserves punishing /to be punished.

The work is worth doing/ worthy to be done.

11. allow类( V + O + (to do sth. )

此类动词常接带协的不定式作宾补,这样的动词有:advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, charge, command, drive, enable, encourage , expect , forbid , forgive , get , hate , help , invite , inspire , lead , like , love , mean , need , oblige , order , permit , persuade , prefer , require , request , suffer , suppose , teach , tell , train , want , warn , wish等。例如: Jack advised me to try it again.

I persuaded him not to give up his plan.

Parents should help their children to form a good habit. (NMET 1997) They have better players, so I accept them to win. (NMET 1999) Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. (NMET 2001)

12. make类(V + O + do sth.)

此类动词常接不带to的不定式作宾补,这样的动词有:let, make, have, watch, look at, see, observe, notice, find, hear, listen, to feel等。例如:

He often makes his sister cry.

I must apologize for not letting you know ahead of time. (NMET 1994) I had never met him before, although I had often heard people talk about

him. (NMET 1994)

Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to go out.

13. have类(V + O +done)

此类动词可接过去分词作宾语补足语,这样的动词有:have, make , get, keep, hear, feel, see, find, watch , notice, imagine, consider, want, wish, desire, like等。例如:

You'd better get your hair cut, it's too long.

He spoke loudly in order to make himself heard.

He will keep me well informed.

It's wise to have some money put away for old age. (NMET 1996)

14. get类( V + O + doing)

这类动词常接-ing分词作宾补,这样的动词有:have, get , send, set, catch, sense feel, see, look at, observe, watch, notice, hear, leave, like, imagine等。例如:

I can't get the car going.

Parents won’t have their children behaving like that.

I felt the house shaking.

I am sorry to keep you waiting. (NMET 1994)

15. watch类(V十O + do sth./doing sth./done)

这类动词可接不带to的不定式(表经常性的动作)、现在分词(表正在进行的动作)、过去分词(表被动或完成)作宾补,这样的动词有listen to, perceive, watch, feel, find, hear, look at, notice, see, sense, observe, have等。例如:

I saw an old man cross/crossing the street.

I saw the man surrounded by some people.

The missing boys were last seen playing near the river. (NMET 1994) When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door. (NMET 1999) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see carried out the next year.

16. call类

这类动词常可接名词作宾补,这样的动词有:appoint, call, consider, believe, elect, find, keep, leave, make, name, think等。例如: We made him monitor.

We consider him a strong leader.

She's bought some material to make herself a dress. (NMET 1996)

You should make it a rule to leave things where you can find them again. (NMET 1999)

17. tell类(V + O1 + O2)

此类动词常接双宾语,可用介词to或for采变换双宾位置,如allow, bring, do, give, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, promise, read, refuse, sell, send. show, tell, throw, wish, write等;这类动词双宾互换时可用to;而bring, build, buy, call, choose, cook, do, fetch, find, gather, get, make, order, prepare, save, spare等这类动词双宾互换时可用for。例


I owe him fifty pounds/fifty pounds to him.

Please call me a taxi/a taxi for me. I've left him some food/ some food for him.

We gave our classroom a thorough cleaning before the National Day. (NMET 1997)

Can I give you a cup of tea? (NMET 1998)

The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that faraway village.

18. enjoy类(V + oneself )

此类动词常接反身代词作宾语,这样的动词有:prepare, occupy, engage, employ, throw, lose, help, devote, trouble, delight, content, enjoy, absent, seat, present, teach, excuse, dress等。例:

Please seat yourself.

He engaged himself in reading.

He devoted himself in teaching.

19. insist类


I insist you (should) try again.

It is requested that the cloth (should) be woven at once.

It has been decided that the meeting (should) be put off.

There is no need to get angry. I'm merely suggested that I should do that again. (NMET 2001)

20. dream类

这类不及物动词可接同源宾语,如:cough, dance, die, dream, laugh, sigh, sleep, smell, talk等。例如:

He died a heroic death.

He dreamed a sweet dream.

He laughed a hearty laugh.

21.think类( V + so/not )

这类动词可接so或not代替that引导的从句,这样的动词有:think,suppose,guess,fancy,believe,hope,expect。但think/suppose/believe还可以说don’t think/believe/suppose so,其他则不可以。例如:

Is your brother going with you?

能说I think/believe/suppose not 或 I don't think/suppose/ believe so, 但不说 I don't hope/guess/fear so。

— Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?

— I believe not. (NMET 1994)

The price has gone down, but I doubt whether it will remain so. (NMET 1999)

22. believe类

此类动词在接疑问词引导的宾语从句时常把疑问词放在句首。这样的动词有:believe,imagine,propose,say,suppose,但用ask, hear, know等动词时


Who do you think that lady is? (V)

Do you think who that lady is? ( x )

Do you know who that lady is? (V)

Who do you know that lady is? ( x )

How fast would you say he drove? (V)

Who do you suppose would believe that story? (V)

23. suppose类


I don't think they have made up their minds.

I don't believe he will come here tomorrow.

The fish smells. I don't think it's quite fresh. (NMET 2001)

24. mean类


I had intended to call on you, but I was very busy at that time. They had wanted to help but couldn't afford any time.

— Why haven't you bought any butter?

— I meant to but I forgot about it. (NMET 2001)



The meeting begins at 1;30 in the afternoon.

I'm going to the post office. (NMET 1999)

I've won a holiday for two to Florida. I am taking my mum. (NMET 2001)

26. hear类


The nine o'clock news says that it is going to be cold.

I hear poor Mrs. Smith has lost her son.

27. leave类

此类短暂性动词不与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,如:come, leave, start, set out, return, join, die, fall等。例如不能说:He has died for three days. /He joined the army for two years.

28. wish类


I wish my father wouldn't smoke any more.

I wish he could have attended the meeting yesterday.

I would rather that you didn't do that.

29. reported类

此类动词常用It is said that或sb. /sth. is said to的形式,这样的动词

有know, report, think, believe, suppose, declare, announce等。例如: It's reported that a fire took place. /A fire is reported to have taken place on the borders.

Robert is said to have studied abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in. (NMET 1999)

It's generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science. (NMET 2001)

30. delight类

这类动词的过去分词常用做形容词,例如:surprised, be astonished, be discouraged, be pleased, be disappointed, be frightened, be satisfied, be absorbed in, be born, be worried, be devoted to, be seated, be dressed in, be engaged in, be lost, be obliged to, be well-known, be supposed to, be married to等。例如:

Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. (NMET 1996) I used to play ping-pong a lot in my spare time, but now 1 am interested in football. (NMET 1997)

Professor White has written some short stories, but he it better known for his plays. (NMET 1999)


1. feel类(V+ N. + adj.)

这类动词作系动词的用法时,后面常接形容词或名词,有的后面可接to be,亦可省去。这样的动词有:appear, prove, seem, turn, sound, look, feel, taste, smell, remain等。例如:

He proves (to be) honest/(to be)an honest man.

— Haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine.

— Thanks. You look well. (NMET 1994)

I love to go to the seaside in summer. It feels good to lie in the sun or swim in the cool sea. (NMET 1996)

She looks familiar to me, but I don't remember her name. (NMET 1999)

2. read类(V +adj.)

此类动词的主动形式表被动意义,这样的动词有:sell, wash, read , rent, lock, tear, work out, act, break, carry, cook, count, cut, iron, clean, draw, keep, open, wear等。例如:

This sort of cloth washes well. This kind of cloth wears well. Your pen writes smoothly. Your speech reads well.

Books of this kind sell well. (上海高考1999)

3. surprise类(V + O)

这类动词本身含有“使„”的意思,这样的动词有:seat, engage , amuse , surprise , becalm , belittle , delight , enable , enrich , remind, remove, strengthen, lengthen, deafen, darken, harden, sadden, worsen, whiten, simplify, solidify等。例如:

The kind of medicine has becalmed the patient.

Your visit last week delighted him.

That story reminded me of an experience I had long ago.

We have to take some measures to purify the air in this area.

4. have类动词

英语中一些表存在、状态、构成、所有、心理等动词一般不用进行时,这样的动词有:appear(看来),hold(保持),lie(位于),remain(保持),seem(似乎),stand(坐落),belong to(属于),consist of(组成),contain(包含),depend on(依靠),have(有),resemble(像),feel(感到),hear(听到),see(看到),smell(闻到),taste(尝到),understand(懂得),remember(记得),know(知道)等。例如:

Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

He smelt something burning.

I believe that he believes in me.

5. belong类

英语中有些动词常没有被动语态,如:have, fit. lack, resemble, suit, hold, cost, suffer, last, become, stand, belong, depend on, happen, take place, break out, turn out等。例如:

The room can hold 100 people.

They suffered heavy losses.

Great changes have taken place in this town in the past 10 years.

6. afford类( V+ to do sth. )

这类动词常接不定式作宾语,主要有:afford, agree, aim, arrange , ask , attempt , beg , bother , care , choose , claim , dare , decide , demand, desire, determine, expect, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, long, manage, mean, offer , plan , prepare , pretend , promise, refuse, swear, tend, trouble, want, wish等。例如:

He promised to buy me a bike for my birthday.

How 1 wished to go there. ( NMET 1998) .

Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare, you must learn to share. (NMET2000)

7. decide类(V+ wh- + to do sth.)

此类动词常可接疑问词加不定式作宾语,主要有:ask, consider, decide, discover, discuss, explain, forget, guess, hesitate, know, learn, observe, remember, see, tell, think, understand, wonder, find out, make out, think out等。例如:

I really don’t know where to go.

I wonder which to choose.

I cannot make out how to use this computer.

I've worked with children before, so I know what to except in my new job. (NMET2000)

8. enjoy类(V + doing)

此类动词常接-ing分词作宾语,这样的动词有:admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, consider, defend, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, can' t help, imagine, involve, keep, mind, miss, pardon, practice, prevent, resist, risk, suffer, suggest, give up, put off, set about, be worth, be used to, look forward to, pay attention to, devote oneself to, be devoted to, feel like, burst out等。例如:

You must practise playing the piano every day.

I don’t mind closing the door.

He is used to getting up early.

The patient kept coughing all night. ( NMET1997)

I look forward to hearing from you. ( NMET 1997)

9. try类(V + to do sth./doing)

此类动词既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语,有时意思区别不大,有时则大不相同,具体说来,在like, love, bear, intend, plan, hate, prefer, begin, start, continue后接不定式和动名词区别不大;而在try, remember, forget, mean, stop, can't help, go on等后面则大不一样,具体如下:

try to do sth. (努力去做„)

try doing sth. (试着去做„)

remember to do sth. (记得要做„)

remember doing sth. (记得做过„)

forget to do sth. (忘记要做某事„)

forget doing sth. (忘记做过某事„)

mean to do sth (打算做某事„)

mean doing sth. (意味着„)

can’t help to do sth. (不能帮助做某事)

can’t help doing sth. (禁不住做某事)

stop to do sth. (停止某事做另一件事)

stop doing sth. (停止做某事)

go on to do sth. (接下来做另一件事)

go on doing sth. (继续做同一件事)


I like playing football, but I don't like to play football this afternoon. She can’t help to do housework for you.

She can’t help crying.

Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. (NMET1994)

Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle. (NMET 1994)

I would love to have gone to the party last night, but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. (NMET 1997)

Why haven't you bought any butter?

I meant to but I forgot about it. (NMET 2001)

Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? (NMET 2001)

10. need类(V + V-ing/to be done)

这类动词既可接主动形式的分词又可接被动形式的不定式作宾语,这样的动词有:need, require, want, bear, stand, forbid , deserve等。例如: The old man needs looking after/to be looked after.

He deserves punishing /to be punished.

The work is worth doing/ worthy to be done.

11. allow类( V + O + (to do sth. )

此类动词常接带协的不定式作宾补,这样的动词有:advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, charge, command, drive, enable, encourage , expect , forbid , forgive , get , hate , help , invite , inspire , lead , like , love , mean , need , oblige , order , permit , persuade , prefer , require , request , suffer , suppose , teach , tell , train , want , warn , wish等。例如: Jack advised me to try it again.

I persuaded him not to give up his plan.

Parents should help their children to form a good habit. (NMET 1997) They have better players, so I accept them to win. (NMET 1999) Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. (NMET 2001)

12. make类(V + O + do sth.)

此类动词常接不带to的不定式作宾补,这样的动词有:let, make, have, watch, look at, see, observe, notice, find, hear, listen, to feel等。例如:

He often makes his sister cry.

I must apologize for not letting you know ahead of time. (NMET 1994) I had never met him before, although I had often heard people talk about

him. (NMET 1994)

Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to go out.

13. have类(V + O +done)

此类动词可接过去分词作宾语补足语,这样的动词有:have, make , get, keep, hear, feel, see, find, watch , notice, imagine, consider, want, wish, desire, like等。例如:

You'd better get your hair cut, it's too long.

He spoke loudly in order to make himself heard.

He will keep me well informed.

It's wise to have some money put away for old age. (NMET 1996)

14. get类( V + O + doing)

这类动词常接-ing分词作宾补,这样的动词有:have, get , send, set, catch, sense feel, see, look at, observe, watch, notice, hear, leave, like, imagine等。例如:

I can't get the car going.

Parents won’t have their children behaving like that.

I felt the house shaking.

I am sorry to keep you waiting. (NMET 1994)

15. watch类(V十O + do sth./doing sth./done)

这类动词可接不带to的不定式(表经常性的动作)、现在分词(表正在进行的动作)、过去分词(表被动或完成)作宾补,这样的动词有listen to, perceive, watch, feel, find, hear, look at, notice, see, sense, observe, have等。例如:

I saw an old man cross/crossing the street.

I saw the man surrounded by some people.

The missing boys were last seen playing near the river. (NMET 1994) When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door. (NMET 1999) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see carried out the next year.

16. call类

这类动词常可接名词作宾补,这样的动词有:appoint, call, consider, believe, elect, find, keep, leave, make, name, think等。例如: We made him monitor.

We consider him a strong leader.

She's bought some material to make herself a dress. (NMET 1996)

You should make it a rule to leave things where you can find them again. (NMET 1999)

17. tell类(V + O1 + O2)

此类动词常接双宾语,可用介词to或for采变换双宾位置,如allow, bring, do, give, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, promise, read, refuse, sell, send. show, tell, throw, wish, write等;这类动词双宾互换时可用to;而bring, build, buy, call, choose, cook, do, fetch, find, gather, get, make, order, prepare, save, spare等这类动词双宾互换时可用for。例


I owe him fifty pounds/fifty pounds to him.

Please call me a taxi/a taxi for me. I've left him some food/ some food for him.

We gave our classroom a thorough cleaning before the National Day. (NMET 1997)

Can I give you a cup of tea? (NMET 1998)

The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that faraway village.

18. enjoy类(V + oneself )

此类动词常接反身代词作宾语,这样的动词有:prepare, occupy, engage, employ, throw, lose, help, devote, trouble, delight, content, enjoy, absent, seat, present, teach, excuse, dress等。例:

Please seat yourself.

He engaged himself in reading.

He devoted himself in teaching.

19. insist类


I insist you (should) try again.

It is requested that the cloth (should) be woven at once.

It has been decided that the meeting (should) be put off.

There is no need to get angry. I'm merely suggested that I should do that again. (NMET 2001)

20. dream类

这类不及物动词可接同源宾语,如:cough, dance, die, dream, laugh, sigh, sleep, smell, talk等。例如:

He died a heroic death.

He dreamed a sweet dream.

He laughed a hearty laugh.

21.think类( V + so/not )

这类动词可接so或not代替that引导的从句,这样的动词有:think,suppose,guess,fancy,believe,hope,expect。但think/suppose/believe还可以说don’t think/believe/suppose so,其他则不可以。例如:

Is your brother going with you?

能说I think/believe/suppose not 或 I don't think/suppose/ believe so, 但不说 I don't hope/guess/fear so。

— Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?

— I believe not. (NMET 1994)

The price has gone down, but I doubt whether it will remain so. (NMET 1999)

22. believe类

此类动词在接疑问词引导的宾语从句时常把疑问词放在句首。这样的动词有:believe,imagine,propose,say,suppose,但用ask, hear, know等动词时


Who do you think that lady is? (V)

Do you think who that lady is? ( x )

Do you know who that lady is? (V)

Who do you know that lady is? ( x )

How fast would you say he drove? (V)

Who do you suppose would believe that story? (V)

23. suppose类


I don't think they have made up their minds.

I don't believe he will come here tomorrow.

The fish smells. I don't think it's quite fresh. (NMET 2001)

24. mean类


I had intended to call on you, but I was very busy at that time. They had wanted to help but couldn't afford any time.

— Why haven't you bought any butter?

— I meant to but I forgot about it. (NMET 2001)



The meeting begins at 1;30 in the afternoon.

I'm going to the post office. (NMET 1999)

I've won a holiday for two to Florida. I am taking my mum. (NMET 2001)

26. hear类


The nine o'clock news says that it is going to be cold.

I hear poor Mrs. Smith has lost her son.

27. leave类

此类短暂性动词不与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,如:come, leave, start, set out, return, join, die, fall等。例如不能说:He has died for three days. /He joined the army for two years.

28. wish类


I wish my father wouldn't smoke any more.

I wish he could have attended the meeting yesterday.

I would rather that you didn't do that.

29. reported类

此类动词常用It is said that或sb. /sth. is said to的形式,这样的动词

有know, report, think, believe, suppose, declare, announce等。例如: It's reported that a fire took place. /A fire is reported to have taken place on the borders.

Robert is said to have studied abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in. (NMET 1999)

It's generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science. (NMET 2001)

30. delight类

这类动词的过去分词常用做形容词,例如:surprised, be astonished, be discouraged, be pleased, be disappointed, be frightened, be satisfied, be absorbed in, be born, be worried, be devoted to, be seated, be dressed in, be engaged in, be lost, be obliged to, be well-known, be supposed to, be married to等。例如:

Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. (NMET 1996) I used to play ping-pong a lot in my spare time, but now 1 am interested in football. (NMET 1997)

Professor White has written some short stories, but he it better known for his plays. (NMET 1999)


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