
什么是焊接WPS 证书?

WPS 不是焊接证书,是焊接工艺规程的缩写,全称是Welding Process Specification。是焊接工艺文件的一部分,一般来说,公司需要向第三方证明自己的焊接制造能力,这时候就需要做焊接工艺认可试验,焊接工艺认可试验按照需要编写的文件,可以分三步来说。

第一步:做焊接认可试验前,需要先准备好PWPS(焊接工艺计划书) 向第三方申请做认可试



测,无损检测合格了还需要做力学检验,等结果出来了需要编写WPQR 文件(焊接工艺评定记录),WPQR 的所有数据必须真实记载的。

第三步:根据标准上各参数的覆盖范围,和WPQR 上的焊接参数,对PWPS 文件进行修改,

最终确定的文件就是WPS 文件。WPS 文件是工厂用来指导进行焊接生产的。一般一个焊接制造厂会有非常多的WPQR 和对应的WPS 文件,文件要覆盖工厂所有的焊接工艺。

What is the WPS welding certificate?

The WPS is not welding certificate. It is an abbreviation of welding procedures, full name is Welding Process Specification . Which is a part of the welding process documents, generally speaking, companies need to third party to prove their welding manufacturing capability, and it needs to make the welding procedure qualification test, the welding procedure qualification tests in accordance with the needs of written documents, can be divided into three steps.

The first step : before make welding approval testing, need to prepare PWPS (welding process plan) shall apply to the third party as approval test. The third parties agreed, and the third party appointed time, ready to do the welding procedure qualification test.

The second step: in the presence of the third party, the welding test plate (or tube), test after welding specimen need to do NDT, NDE qualified also need to do mechanical test, etc. results come out to write WPQR files (PQR), WPQR all data must be true records.

The third step : according to the coverage of the parameters of the standard of welding parameters, and the WPQR, modify the PWPS file, the final file is WPS file. The WPS file is used to guide the welding production factory. General a welding factory will have WPQR very much and the corresponding WPS file, the file must cover all welding factory.

WPS 、PQR 、JIC 焊接专业上面的几个文件区别

焊接工艺规程(WPS) 焊接工艺评定记录(PQR ) 焊接工艺规程(JIC )这几个文件有什么具体作用、区别?

WPS 相当于大纲,就是这个试验怎么做,要求达到的效果是什么,用什么东西焊 PQR 就是具体数据的记录,电流电压之类的

JIC 就是相当于说明书

Several files WPS, PQR, JIC welding the top professional distinction

Welding procedure specification (WPS) welding procedure qualification records (PQR) welding procedure specification (JIC) this paper several specific role, what is the difference?

WPS is equivalent to the syllabus, this test is how to do, what is required to achieve the effect, what welding

PQR is the specific data, such as current and voltage

JIC is equivalent to the instructions

焊接工艺中的WPS 与PQR 是什么关系,哪个先哪个后?

WPS 是焊接工艺规程,PQR 是焊接工艺评定。先编制WPS ,然后按WPS 做焊接工艺评定,形成PQR 报告,只有焊接工艺评定符合要求,WPS 才能用在产品的焊接上。

what is the relation between WPS and PQR in welding technology, which is the first ?

WPS is the welding procedure specification, PQR is the qualification of welding procedure. First, prepare WPS, and then press WPS welding process evaluation, PQR report form, only the welding procedure qualification requirements, WPS can be used in the products of welding.

焊接WPS 的制作,主要考虑哪些参数,是否有可通用的表格

主要考虑电流,电压,焊接速度,焊材,预热,热处理等,有通用的表格,如果是ASME 标准的,表格见ASME 九卷,如果是GB ,表格见NB/T47014, 以前是JB4708。

Welding of WPS production, the main consideration of parameters, Is there a general table? The main consideration of current, voltage, welding speed, welding materials, preheating, heat treatment etc. There is a general table. If it is the ASME standard, see ASME nine volume, if it is GB , see form NB/T47014, formerly JB4708.


什么是WPS 、为什么制定WPS 、WPS 的内容、wps 使用范围


WPS 全称Welding Procedure Specification, 中文意思为焊接工艺程序或焊接工艺规程 焊接过程中的一整套工艺程序及其技术规定。


制定焊接工艺规程是为了制造符合规范要求的焊缝而提供指导的、经过评定合格的焊 接工艺文件。它或其他文件可用于对焊工或焊机操作工提供指导,以保证符合要求。 WPS 的内容

一份完整的WPS 包含对每种焊接方法而言所有重要变素、非重要变速和当需要时的 附加重要变素,也就是规定某一种焊接工艺的各种焊接变素的容许范围。

WPS 使用范围

1、适用于锅炉,压力容器,压力管道,桥梁,船舶,航天器,核能以及承重钢结构 等钢制设备的制造、安装、检修工作。

2、适用于气焊,焊条电弧焊,钨极氩弧焊,熔化极气体保护焊,埋弧焊,等离子弧焊, 电渣焊等焊接方法。

Welding procedure specification (WPS)

What is WPS, why to develop WPS, WPS content, WPS use

The full name of the WPS Welding Procedure Specification, Chinese means of welding process or a set of procedures and technical requirements for welding procedure welding process.

Welding procedures for manufacturing to meet the requirement of welding seam and provide guidance through the assessment, qualified welding procedure document. It or other documents can be used to provide guidance to the welder or welding operator, to ensure compliance with the requirements.

A complete WPS contains for each welding method all the important variable, non critical speed and when needed additional important variables, where a welding process welding variable range of pigment.

WPS uses range

1, applicable to the boiler, pressure vessel, pressure pipelines, bridges, ships, aircraft, nuclear energy and steel structure bearing, other steel equipment manufacturing, installation, maintenance work.

2, suitable for gas welding, arc welding, argon tungsten arc welding, gas metal arc welding, submerged arc welding, plasma arc welding, Welding method, electric slag welding etc..

什么是焊接WPS 证书?

WPS 不是焊接证书,是焊接工艺规程的缩写,全称是Welding Process Specification。是焊接工艺文件的一部分,一般来说,公司需要向第三方证明自己的焊接制造能力,这时候就需要做焊接工艺认可试验,焊接工艺认可试验按照需要编写的文件,可以分三步来说。

第一步:做焊接认可试验前,需要先准备好PWPS(焊接工艺计划书) 向第三方申请做认可试



测,无损检测合格了还需要做力学检验,等结果出来了需要编写WPQR 文件(焊接工艺评定记录),WPQR 的所有数据必须真实记载的。

第三步:根据标准上各参数的覆盖范围,和WPQR 上的焊接参数,对PWPS 文件进行修改,

最终确定的文件就是WPS 文件。WPS 文件是工厂用来指导进行焊接生产的。一般一个焊接制造厂会有非常多的WPQR 和对应的WPS 文件,文件要覆盖工厂所有的焊接工艺。

What is the WPS welding certificate?

The WPS is not welding certificate. It is an abbreviation of welding procedures, full name is Welding Process Specification . Which is a part of the welding process documents, generally speaking, companies need to third party to prove their welding manufacturing capability, and it needs to make the welding procedure qualification test, the welding procedure qualification tests in accordance with the needs of written documents, can be divided into three steps.

The first step : before make welding approval testing, need to prepare PWPS (welding process plan) shall apply to the third party as approval test. The third parties agreed, and the third party appointed time, ready to do the welding procedure qualification test.

The second step: in the presence of the third party, the welding test plate (or tube), test after welding specimen need to do NDT, NDE qualified also need to do mechanical test, etc. results come out to write WPQR files (PQR), WPQR all data must be true records.

The third step : according to the coverage of the parameters of the standard of welding parameters, and the WPQR, modify the PWPS file, the final file is WPS file. The WPS file is used to guide the welding production factory. General a welding factory will have WPQR very much and the corresponding WPS file, the file must cover all welding factory.

WPS 、PQR 、JIC 焊接专业上面的几个文件区别

焊接工艺规程(WPS) 焊接工艺评定记录(PQR ) 焊接工艺规程(JIC )这几个文件有什么具体作用、区别?

WPS 相当于大纲,就是这个试验怎么做,要求达到的效果是什么,用什么东西焊 PQR 就是具体数据的记录,电流电压之类的

JIC 就是相当于说明书

Several files WPS, PQR, JIC welding the top professional distinction

Welding procedure specification (WPS) welding procedure qualification records (PQR) welding procedure specification (JIC) this paper several specific role, what is the difference?

WPS is equivalent to the syllabus, this test is how to do, what is required to achieve the effect, what welding

PQR is the specific data, such as current and voltage

JIC is equivalent to the instructions

焊接工艺中的WPS 与PQR 是什么关系,哪个先哪个后?

WPS 是焊接工艺规程,PQR 是焊接工艺评定。先编制WPS ,然后按WPS 做焊接工艺评定,形成PQR 报告,只有焊接工艺评定符合要求,WPS 才能用在产品的焊接上。

what is the relation between WPS and PQR in welding technology, which is the first ?

WPS is the welding procedure specification, PQR is the qualification of welding procedure. First, prepare WPS, and then press WPS welding process evaluation, PQR report form, only the welding procedure qualification requirements, WPS can be used in the products of welding.

焊接WPS 的制作,主要考虑哪些参数,是否有可通用的表格

主要考虑电流,电压,焊接速度,焊材,预热,热处理等,有通用的表格,如果是ASME 标准的,表格见ASME 九卷,如果是GB ,表格见NB/T47014, 以前是JB4708。

Welding of WPS production, the main consideration of parameters, Is there a general table? The main consideration of current, voltage, welding speed, welding materials, preheating, heat treatment etc. There is a general table. If it is the ASME standard, see ASME nine volume, if it is GB , see form NB/T47014, formerly JB4708.


什么是WPS 、为什么制定WPS 、WPS 的内容、wps 使用范围


WPS 全称Welding Procedure Specification, 中文意思为焊接工艺程序或焊接工艺规程 焊接过程中的一整套工艺程序及其技术规定。


制定焊接工艺规程是为了制造符合规范要求的焊缝而提供指导的、经过评定合格的焊 接工艺文件。它或其他文件可用于对焊工或焊机操作工提供指导,以保证符合要求。 WPS 的内容

一份完整的WPS 包含对每种焊接方法而言所有重要变素、非重要变速和当需要时的 附加重要变素,也就是规定某一种焊接工艺的各种焊接变素的容许范围。

WPS 使用范围

1、适用于锅炉,压力容器,压力管道,桥梁,船舶,航天器,核能以及承重钢结构 等钢制设备的制造、安装、检修工作。

2、适用于气焊,焊条电弧焊,钨极氩弧焊,熔化极气体保护焊,埋弧焊,等离子弧焊, 电渣焊等焊接方法。

Welding procedure specification (WPS)

What is WPS, why to develop WPS, WPS content, WPS use

The full name of the WPS Welding Procedure Specification, Chinese means of welding process or a set of procedures and technical requirements for welding procedure welding process.

Welding procedures for manufacturing to meet the requirement of welding seam and provide guidance through the assessment, qualified welding procedure document. It or other documents can be used to provide guidance to the welder or welding operator, to ensure compliance with the requirements.

A complete WPS contains for each welding method all the important variable, non critical speed and when needed additional important variables, where a welding process welding variable range of pigment.

WPS uses range

1, applicable to the boiler, pressure vessel, pressure pipelines, bridges, ships, aircraft, nuclear energy and steel structure bearing, other steel equipment manufacturing, installation, maintenance work.

2, suitable for gas welding, arc welding, argon tungsten arc welding, gas metal arc welding, submerged arc welding, plasma arc welding, Welding method, electric slag welding etc..


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