


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Internet Rumors. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:




My View on Internet Rumors

No one can have failed to notice the fact that Internet rumors have been a grave problem confronting us. Groundless allegations flood the Internet. Taking a look around, we can find examples too many to enumerate: scandals of both famous and unknown people, fake forecast of earthquakes and the like.

Internet rumors will definitely result in severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to them. First and foremost, made-up scandals directly infringe upon citizens' rights, affecting their daily life and ruining their public image. Besides, the dissemination of such rumors as those about social or natural disasters causes panic and disorder among society. Last but not least, the spread of rumors on the Internet will undermine the credibility of the net to such a degree that people will no longer trust it in the future.

Given the seriousness of this problem, effective steps must be adopted before the situation deteriorates. First, it is imperative that laws and regulations be enacted and executed to stop the production and transmission of Internet rumors. For instance, real-name system should be introduced as soon as possible. Secondly, people should be educated to identify and reject groundless allegations. With severe laws and a conscious public, it will only be a matter of time for Internet rumors to be eradicated.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “Volunteering Activities”. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline below:

1. 越来越多的人从事志愿者工作

2. 志愿者工作的意义和/或存在的问题

3. 我个人的经历或打算

Volunteering Activities

No one can have failed to notice the fact that the past years witnessed an increasing number of volunteers in China. The largest and most notable group of volunteers might be those working for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. In the wake of that, volunteers have manifested themselves in the aid and relief work in areas hit by such natural disasters as earthquakes and droughts, as well as in such events as Shanghai Expo.

Such volunteering activities are significant in many ways. First and foremost, they have undoubtedly

contributed considerably to this society. As a newly emerging force, volunteers actually present collectivism and the virtue of helping others for fun in a new form. Secondly, by working as volunteers, the younger generation, especially college students, can broaden their horizons, enhance their capacities and associate themselves better with the society. Of course there exist some problems with these volunteering activities, such as lack of training and loose management of volunteers, but we have reasons to believe that they can be solved in the near future. Personally, I didn’t work as a volunteer in the earthquake or the Olympics for this reason or that. Nor did I have a chance to work for Shanghai Expo. But I am indeed touched by those voluntary deeds and I am

determined to work as a volunteer for environmental protection from now on, which I deem of great importance nowadays.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Internet Rumors. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:




My View on Internet Rumors

No one can have failed to notice the fact that Internet rumors have been a grave problem confronting us. Groundless allegations flood the Internet. Taking a look around, we can find examples too many to enumerate: scandals of both famous and unknown people, fake forecast of earthquakes and the like.

Internet rumors will definitely result in severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to them. First and foremost, made-up scandals directly infringe upon citizens' rights, affecting their daily life and ruining their public image. Besides, the dissemination of such rumors as those about social or natural disasters causes panic and disorder among society. Last but not least, the spread of rumors on the Internet will undermine the credibility of the net to such a degree that people will no longer trust it in the future.

Given the seriousness of this problem, effective steps must be adopted before the situation deteriorates. First, it is imperative that laws and regulations be enacted and executed to stop the production and transmission of Internet rumors. For instance, real-name system should be introduced as soon as possible. Secondly, people should be educated to identify and reject groundless allegations. With severe laws and a conscious public, it will only be a matter of time for Internet rumors to be eradicated.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “Volunteering Activities”. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline below:

1. 越来越多的人从事志愿者工作

2. 志愿者工作的意义和/或存在的问题

3. 我个人的经历或打算

Volunteering Activities

No one can have failed to notice the fact that the past years witnessed an increasing number of volunteers in China. The largest and most notable group of volunteers might be those working for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. In the wake of that, volunteers have manifested themselves in the aid and relief work in areas hit by such natural disasters as earthquakes and droughts, as well as in such events as Shanghai Expo.

Such volunteering activities are significant in many ways. First and foremost, they have undoubtedly

contributed considerably to this society. As a newly emerging force, volunteers actually present collectivism and the virtue of helping others for fun in a new form. Secondly, by working as volunteers, the younger generation, especially college students, can broaden their horizons, enhance their capacities and associate themselves better with the society. Of course there exist some problems with these volunteering activities, such as lack of training and loose management of volunteers, but we have reasons to believe that they can be solved in the near future. Personally, I didn’t work as a volunteer in the earthquake or the Olympics for this reason or that. Nor did I have a chance to work for Shanghai Expo. But I am indeed touched by those voluntary deeds and I am

determined to work as a volunteer for environmental protection from now on, which I deem of great importance nowadays.


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