

Once upon a time,there lived a poor family .They lost their labor manure,so only the mother worked hard everyday in order to raise her son.18 years later, the son finally grew up .

书生:I haved studied hard for many years,I'm sure I can do a good job in the college entrance examination.But the only thing I worry about is my old mother. 母亲扫地,抹汗,书生扶母坐下。

书生:Please have a rest . You've been working a whole day.

母亲:I'm not tired .Cause watching you growing up in good health,studying hard everyday makes me so satisified.

书生:Mother ,thank you so much for raising me up.I will leave for the capital tomorrow.

母亲:I am so grateful to your words .My son is the best in the whole world.But the capital is too far away,I'm afraid you are too young to go on your own.

书生: Don't worry mom.I can take care of myself.And when I come back,Iwill bring a beautiful wife for you.

母亲:EEEE...you mean a daughter-in-law?haha

I always have a dream,that one day I 'm sitting in front of our old house,then you came back with a beautiful lady.She is thin and beautiful but much taller than you ...If you could grow a little bit taller.(叹气)I’m sorry,it's my fault.You dead father is too short...

书生:Don't worry mom,my girl will love me for who I am but not how tall I am.Bye mom ,I will miss you. 母亲:bye dear.Be careful of the heavy traffic. CHARTER 2

The young man arrived at the capital after days of travling. He found 紫金港 hotel and checked in.

店小二:Good morning sir,what can I do for you . We've got many well furnished rooms.

书生:please tell me in detail.

店小二:sure. We have rooms named 蓝田,which have saparated balconies.We have rooms named 丹阳,which have own bathrooms.And we have rooms named 望月which have both balconies and bathrooms. 书生:which is the cheapest one?

店小二:额。How about lantian


店小二: what a poor boy,I will not tell him the old story that lantian is built on graves.many strange things happen at night.god bless him.

Chapter 3

When he settled in.He went out to buy some food.And was attracted by a loud voice.

大爷:why not come and have a look.I 'm selling fresh tofu.It's very delicious ,once you have a bite you will be addicted to it.


大爷:sure,I'm a person that never tell lies.you can cook it in different ways ,whether boil or fried,the essence will not change.Young adult, cherish the chance!!

书生:how much is it?

大爷:it seems you are in good luck,because I 'm having a bargain.I will give you a surprising price --20yuan. 书生:what ???you are killing me!10yuan and I will buy it.

大爷:How about 14?




大爷:you are kidding!should I give you one for free? 书生:give me two.

After a heated discussion,书生 finally returned to the hotel with tofu.But he suddenly found out that the exam is made earlier by the government.So he was not allowed to eat lunch and rushed to the classroom to have the test.As we all know,the college examination lasted for nearly a week in the ancient time, thus with time passing by 书生 realized that tofu went bad and black.

书生:oh my god,what should I do with it?I seemed so smelly.

Unfortunately ,he was driven out of the classroom because of the smell.He returned to the hotel and cried for a day.then he came up with a good idea.

书生:Why not fried it?The old seller said whether it's boiled or fried the essence will not change.

He quickly fried the tofu ,and had a taste.

书生:woo。。It's so delicious.I can start my career of selling fried smelly tofu.


书生:boom boom clap boom de clap de clap.boom boom clap boom de clap de clap.one two three everybody come

on off your seat ,I'm gonna tell you about a food .That's gonna make you move your feet. I'll give a babacue show and tell you how to do if you are five or 82 this is something you can eat.

女子:woo!you are so talented.How did you come up with the idea?

书生:actually life pushed me so hard.

女子:you are the type of man I like.you are honest,not like my ex-boy friend.he is poor but he pretended to be very rich,he always buy me some gifts but don't give his mother food to eat.What an awlful man he is! Unlike you ,how can god create such a perfect man like you ! You have talent as well as honesty,except for you height!!!But I don't care I love you not because who you are but because who I am when I'm with you . 书生:do you want to be my wife?

女子: yes I DO.


WHAT a happy ending ! The loving couple went back to 书生’s hometown and made a lot of money by selling fried smelly tofu.



Once upon a time,there lived a poor family .They lost their labor manure,so only the mother worked hard everyday in order to raise her son.18 years later, the son finally grew up .

书生:I haved studied hard for many years,I'm sure I can do a good job in the college entrance examination.But the only thing I worry about is my old mother. 母亲扫地,抹汗,书生扶母坐下。

书生:Please have a rest . You've been working a whole day.

母亲:I'm not tired .Cause watching you growing up in good health,studying hard everyday makes me so satisified.

书生:Mother ,thank you so much for raising me up.I will leave for the capital tomorrow.

母亲:I am so grateful to your words .My son is the best in the whole world.But the capital is too far away,I'm afraid you are too young to go on your own.

书生: Don't worry mom.I can take care of myself.And when I come back,Iwill bring a beautiful wife for you.

母亲:EEEE...you mean a daughter-in-law?haha

I always have a dream,that one day I 'm sitting in front of our old house,then you came back with a beautiful lady.She is thin and beautiful but much taller than you ...If you could grow a little bit taller.(叹气)I’m sorry,it's my fault.You dead father is too short...

书生:Don't worry mom,my girl will love me for who I am but not how tall I am.Bye mom ,I will miss you. 母亲:bye dear.Be careful of the heavy traffic. CHARTER 2

The young man arrived at the capital after days of travling. He found 紫金港 hotel and checked in.

店小二:Good morning sir,what can I do for you . We've got many well furnished rooms.

书生:please tell me in detail.

店小二:sure. We have rooms named 蓝田,which have saparated balconies.We have rooms named 丹阳,which have own bathrooms.And we have rooms named 望月which have both balconies and bathrooms. 书生:which is the cheapest one?

店小二:额。How about lantian


店小二: what a poor boy,I will not tell him the old story that lantian is built on graves.many strange things happen at night.god bless him.

Chapter 3

When he settled in.He went out to buy some food.And was attracted by a loud voice.

大爷:why not come and have a look.I 'm selling fresh tofu.It's very delicious ,once you have a bite you will be addicted to it.


大爷:sure,I'm a person that never tell lies.you can cook it in different ways ,whether boil or fried,the essence will not change.Young adult, cherish the chance!!

书生:how much is it?

大爷:it seems you are in good luck,because I 'm having a bargain.I will give you a surprising price --20yuan. 书生:what ???you are killing me!10yuan and I will buy it.

大爷:How about 14?




大爷:you are kidding!should I give you one for free? 书生:give me two.

After a heated discussion,书生 finally returned to the hotel with tofu.But he suddenly found out that the exam is made earlier by the government.So he was not allowed to eat lunch and rushed to the classroom to have the test.As we all know,the college examination lasted for nearly a week in the ancient time, thus with time passing by 书生 realized that tofu went bad and black.

书生:oh my god,what should I do with it?I seemed so smelly.

Unfortunately ,he was driven out of the classroom because of the smell.He returned to the hotel and cried for a day.then he came up with a good idea.

书生:Why not fried it?The old seller said whether it's boiled or fried the essence will not change.

He quickly fried the tofu ,and had a taste.

书生:woo。。It's so delicious.I can start my career of selling fried smelly tofu.


书生:boom boom clap boom de clap de clap.boom boom clap boom de clap de clap.one two three everybody come

on off your seat ,I'm gonna tell you about a food .That's gonna make you move your feet. I'll give a babacue show and tell you how to do if you are five or 82 this is something you can eat.

女子:woo!you are so talented.How did you come up with the idea?

书生:actually life pushed me so hard.

女子:you are the type of man I like.you are honest,not like my ex-boy friend.he is poor but he pretended to be very rich,he always buy me some gifts but don't give his mother food to eat.What an awlful man he is! Unlike you ,how can god create such a perfect man like you ! You have talent as well as honesty,except for you height!!!But I don't care I love you not because who you are but because who I am when I'm with you . 书生:do you want to be my wife?

女子: yes I DO.


WHAT a happy ending ! The loving couple went back to 书生’s hometown and made a lot of money by selling fried smelly tofu.



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