
阿里巴巴和四十大盗(第六小组) N: Once upon a time, on a island, there’s a person called Alibaba, had a hard life. So he had to work very hard every day. One morning, when he went out for cutting woods, he saw an unusual thing: A number of pirates were getting on this island, carrying a lot of treasure!

N: He hid behind a piece of rock.

N: the huge rock in front of him began to move slowly. A cave appeared. Inside it was so many shiny and golden treasures in it! N: After that, the whole pirates moved their treasure into the cave. After doing that…… N: The huge rock began to move slowly again. The cave disappeared. The pirates left the island happily.

(Quite sure they had already left,) (A向PH走的远处张望)

N: Alibaba then stood in front of the rock,

The rock moved. Seeing so much treasure,

N:He carried as much treasure as he could out of the cave. (十分激动)

N: After some time, the appearance is the same as usual. He went to home happily and soon became a rich man on the island. N: Everyone on the island wondered where he found the treasure. The brother of him managed to get the direction and the code. Under the cover of the night, he went to the cave. N: The cave opened.

N: Seeing the treasure, he was very happy. But he didn’t want others to see the treasure. N: The rock kept him inside. He stared the treasure with joy. Having forgotten the code was, he got frightened in a sudden!

(One day later…)

N: He was lying on top of the island when the rock moved again.

N: But what he was facing were a number of surprised and annoyed pirates.

了碰他的刀) you do know that, don’t you?(HHH!)

(The brother has been slain.) N:It was a beautiful afternoon when the pirates got to the village where Alibaba lived. The head of pirates went to the Alibaba’s house according to the villagers. Then he put a white cross on the door and left.

(The following evening…)

Morgiana, Alibaba’s servant girl, was very bright and beautiful. When she came out for work, she noticed the big white cross and mopped it off. Soon after, the head led the 39 pirates to that place, each one carrying an oil jar, but he didn’t find the mark. So he had to ask other people again. Then, He made everyone hid into the jar. Everything is done, he knocked the door. Alibaba answered it.

N:The head of the pirates knocked Alibaba’s door. N: On the other hand, Morgiana was cooking dinner and in need of oil.

N: She snip to the yard and opened a jar.

After some time, finally, she got some oil.

N: She put all of the oil into the pot, and she put them on the kitchen fire for boiling them. After that is done. She poured the boiling oil into every jar. Then, she went back to the kitchen and continued cooking her dinner.

( After they have all gone bed.) N: PH got out of the house and opened a jar.

N: But, no one answered.

N: Still no one answered. He angrily opened the jar and found out with astonish that the pirate is dead. Opening another jar, he found another dead pirate.

Early in the morning……


A: The guest left early in the morning without a notice. and has never come to the island. Telling the whole story, Morgiana saved everyone because of her calmness and her cleverness. Alibaba’s whole family loved her very much. She became the part of the family. On the other hand, Alibaba felt brave enough to go to the cage again in a year’s time. N: The rock moved away.

N: He went to the village and soon became the richest man on the island. Everyone is kind to him because he is never greedy. His family lived on a pleasant happy life ever!


阿里巴巴和四十大盗(第六小组) N: Once upon a time, on a island, there’s a person called Alibaba, had a hard life. So he had to work very hard every day. One morning, when he went out for cutting woods, he saw an unusual thing: A number of pirates were getting on this island, carrying a lot of treasure!

N: He hid behind a piece of rock.

N: the huge rock in front of him began to move slowly. A cave appeared. Inside it was so many shiny and golden treasures in it! N: After that, the whole pirates moved their treasure into the cave. After doing that…… N: The huge rock began to move slowly again. The cave disappeared. The pirates left the island happily.

(Quite sure they had already left,) (A向PH走的远处张望)

N: Alibaba then stood in front of the rock,

The rock moved. Seeing so much treasure,

N:He carried as much treasure as he could out of the cave. (十分激动)

N: After some time, the appearance is the same as usual. He went to home happily and soon became a rich man on the island. N: Everyone on the island wondered where he found the treasure. The brother of him managed to get the direction and the code. Under the cover of the night, he went to the cave. N: The cave opened.

N: Seeing the treasure, he was very happy. But he didn’t want others to see the treasure. N: The rock kept him inside. He stared the treasure with joy. Having forgotten the code was, he got frightened in a sudden!

(One day later…)

N: He was lying on top of the island when the rock moved again.

N: But what he was facing were a number of surprised and annoyed pirates.

了碰他的刀) you do know that, don’t you?(HHH!)

(The brother has been slain.) N:It was a beautiful afternoon when the pirates got to the village where Alibaba lived. The head of pirates went to the Alibaba’s house according to the villagers. Then he put a white cross on the door and left.

(The following evening…)

Morgiana, Alibaba’s servant girl, was very bright and beautiful. When she came out for work, she noticed the big white cross and mopped it off. Soon after, the head led the 39 pirates to that place, each one carrying an oil jar, but he didn’t find the mark. So he had to ask other people again. Then, He made everyone hid into the jar. Everything is done, he knocked the door. Alibaba answered it.

N:The head of the pirates knocked Alibaba’s door. N: On the other hand, Morgiana was cooking dinner and in need of oil.

N: She snip to the yard and opened a jar.

After some time, finally, she got some oil.

N: She put all of the oil into the pot, and she put them on the kitchen fire for boiling them. After that is done. She poured the boiling oil into every jar. Then, she went back to the kitchen and continued cooking her dinner.

( After they have all gone bed.) N: PH got out of the house and opened a jar.

N: But, no one answered.

N: Still no one answered. He angrily opened the jar and found out with astonish that the pirate is dead. Opening another jar, he found another dead pirate.

Early in the morning……


A: The guest left early in the morning without a notice. and has never come to the island. Telling the whole story, Morgiana saved everyone because of her calmness and her cleverness. Alibaba’s whole family loved her very much. She became the part of the family. On the other hand, Alibaba felt brave enough to go to the cage again in a year’s time. N: The rock moved away.

N: He went to the village and soon became the richest man on the island. Everyone is kind to him because he is never greedy. His family lived on a pleasant happy life ever!



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