
第6章Culture Shock


Shock 冲突,休克n

symptom 症状n

Occupational 与职业有关的,职业的adj

Glorify 美化n

Excessive 过多的,过渡的adj

Bedding 寝具n

anxiety 忧虑n

Symbol 象征,标志n

Intercourse 交际,交往n

Physical 身体的adj

Attendant 服务员n

Absend-minded 心不在焉的adj

Cue 暗示,信号n

Gesture 手势n

Facial 脸部的adj

Dependence 依赖n

Resident 居民n

Fit 突然发作n

norm 标准n

Conscious 自觉的,有意识的adj

awareness 意识n

Eruption 出疹n

Longing 渴望n

Individual 个人n

Broad-minded 心胸开阔的adj

Goodwill 善意,友好n

Series 连续,系列n

Accustom 使习惯于vt

Organization 组织n

Corporation 公司,社团n

Prop 支柱,支撑物n

Frustration 挫折n

React 做出反应vi

Honeymoon 蜜月n

Phase 阶段n

Perceive 感觉,意识到vt

Disconfort 不适,不安n

Host 主人,东道主n

Grumble 抱怨,发牢骚vi

Picturesque 如画的,生动的adj

Entertaining 令人愉快的,有趣的adj

Superficial 表面的adj

Regression 回归,倒退n

Tremendous 极大的,巨大的adj

Irrationally 无理性的adv

Appeal 吸引力n

Crisis 危机n

Shine (俚)喜爱,迷恋n

Annoying 讨厌的adj

Establish 建立vt

Unpleasantness 不愉快的n

Realistically 现实的,实际的adv

Recovery 恢复n

System 体制,制度n

Procedure 办事惯例,常规n

Nonverbal 非语言的adj

Mastery 精通,熟练n

Grocery 食品杂货部

Unique 独特的adj

Aspect 方面n

Function 起作用,尽责任v

Automatically 无意识的,自觉的adv

Conversion 转换,转化n

Locate 位于v

Accompany 伴随vt

Relatively 相对的adv

Adjust 调整vt

Initial 最初的adj

Regard 看法n

Adapt 使适应vt

Original 最早的,原来的adj

Readjust 再调整vi


Cause and Symptoms

1, Culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been

suddenly transplanted abroad. Like most diseases, it has its own symptoms.

2, Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs

and symbols of social intercourse. Those signs or cues include the thousand and one ways with which we are familiar in the situation of daily life: when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to go shopping, when to accept and when not refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not. These cues, whick may be words, gestures, facial expressions, customs, or norms, are acquired by all of use in the course of growing up and are as

much a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept. All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundrends of these cues, ofter without our conscious awareness.

3, Now when a person enter a strange culture, all or most of these familiar cues are

removed. He or she is like a fish out of the water. No matter how broad-minded or full of goodwill you may be, a series of props have been knocked from under you, followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety. People react to the frustration in much the same way.

First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort, “The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad.” When foreigners in a strange land get together to grumble about the host country and its people, you can be sure they are suffering from culture shock. Anther symptom of culture shock is regression. The home environment suddenly takes on a tremendous importance. To the foreigner everything becomes irrationally glorified. All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered, It usually takes a tripe home to bring one back to reality.

4, Som


第6章Culture Shock


Shock 冲突,休克n

symptom 症状n

Occupational 与职业有关的,职业的adj

Glorify 美化n

Excessive 过多的,过渡的adj

Bedding 寝具n

anxiety 忧虑n

Symbol 象征,标志n

Intercourse 交际,交往n

Physical 身体的adj

Attendant 服务员n

Absend-minded 心不在焉的adj

Cue 暗示,信号n

Gesture 手势n

Facial 脸部的adj

Dependence 依赖n

Resident 居民n

Fit 突然发作n

norm 标准n

Conscious 自觉的,有意识的adj

awareness 意识n

Eruption 出疹n

Longing 渴望n

Individual 个人n

Broad-minded 心胸开阔的adj

Goodwill 善意,友好n

Series 连续,系列n

Accustom 使习惯于vt

Organization 组织n

Corporation 公司,社团n

Prop 支柱,支撑物n

Frustration 挫折n

React 做出反应vi

Honeymoon 蜜月n

Phase 阶段n

Perceive 感觉,意识到vt

Disconfort 不适,不安n

Host 主人,东道主n

Grumble 抱怨,发牢骚vi

Picturesque 如画的,生动的adj

Entertaining 令人愉快的,有趣的adj

Superficial 表面的adj

Regression 回归,倒退n

Tremendous 极大的,巨大的adj

Irrationally 无理性的adv

Appeal 吸引力n

Crisis 危机n

Shine (俚)喜爱,迷恋n

Annoying 讨厌的adj

Establish 建立vt

Unpleasantness 不愉快的n

Realistically 现实的,实际的adv

Recovery 恢复n

System 体制,制度n

Procedure 办事惯例,常规n

Nonverbal 非语言的adj

Mastery 精通,熟练n

Grocery 食品杂货部

Unique 独特的adj

Aspect 方面n

Function 起作用,尽责任v

Automatically 无意识的,自觉的adv

Conversion 转换,转化n

Locate 位于v

Accompany 伴随vt

Relatively 相对的adv

Adjust 调整vt

Initial 最初的adj

Regard 看法n

Adapt 使适应vt

Original 最早的,原来的adj

Readjust 再调整vi


Cause and Symptoms

1, Culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been

suddenly transplanted abroad. Like most diseases, it has its own symptoms.

2, Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs

and symbols of social intercourse. Those signs or cues include the thousand and one ways with which we are familiar in the situation of daily life: when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to go shopping, when to accept and when not refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not. These cues, whick may be words, gestures, facial expressions, customs, or norms, are acquired by all of use in the course of growing up and are as

much a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept. All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundrends of these cues, ofter without our conscious awareness.

3, Now when a person enter a strange culture, all or most of these familiar cues are

removed. He or she is like a fish out of the water. No matter how broad-minded or full of goodwill you may be, a series of props have been knocked from under you, followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety. People react to the frustration in much the same way.

First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort, “The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad.” When foreigners in a strange land get together to grumble about the host country and its people, you can be sure they are suffering from culture shock. Anther symptom of culture shock is regression. The home environment suddenly takes on a tremendous importance. To the foreigner everything becomes irrationally glorified. All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered, It usually takes a tripe home to bring one back to reality.

4, Som



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