






thought-provoking. );第二句话图画的整体描述,写作思路是:人物+动作+情景

a closer watch, it is not difficult to find the deep innovation.)第四句话,细节描述,也就是图画的寓意点。(the ball they are kicking is their old father)

社会问题型 第一段


draws more and more attention from many quarters.Naturally, it is not


a coincidence. Several factors could account for it and the following are the most critical ones: ① 经济原因

② 公共意识

The public fail to see the consequence of the problem conveyed by the picture above and let it go without taking any action.

author illustrates in the cartoon reflects a hot topic which caused our concern: the


作室 Q

(例,a flower is blossoming in a green house); 第三句话,模板(例,if we give it

Q :

一个建议思路:四句话写作第一段。第一句话,模板(例this picture is simple but


③ 法律法规

In spite of the seriousness of this problem, related laws and regulations haven ’t been made before things get worse.

④ 家庭教育Not every parents is qualified for bringing up children successfully ,and thus their children

No other problem) than the phenomenon describes in the above picture(s). 第三段:我们提出改进措施

Proper measures must be taken to______and the great efforts should be made to _______The current state of affairs may have been encouragedby the lack of legal

illegal .

关于人生社会的抽象话题 第一段


it is that play a vital role in ones entire life. Naturally, anyone who is in possession of likely to overcome the obstacles which are inevitable if ones are proceeding forward and achieve successive successes. However, there are a

nuts and deal with the challenges . And any minor barrier tend to be a factor that leads


to their final failure . The above picture is a vivid reflection of what I have discussed.


Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of___in our society. We should bear in mind that____is of great significance to both our society and ourselves. Every one should have the ability of____. Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in.

great number of people lacking in 考工

what the author illustrates in the cartoon reflects a hot topic which caused our concern:

作室 Q

Q :

penalty. It is a promising start to take legislative initiative make the behavior of …


关于社会中具体事物利弊分析 第一段


What the author illustrates in the cartoon reflects a hot topic which caused our concern :the wide presence of has caused mixed result . It is not a difficult job to realize its advantages and disadvantages. However, in my opinion, its attractions outweigh its shortcomings, though no one can deny its disadvantages. To begin with, …… Furthermore, …… The phenomenon described in the above picture vividly reflects what we have discussed . 第三段,使优势最大化,负面影响最小

advantages and minimize its disadvantages. Of the steps that we can take, to make the

precondition of action. Only after being conscious, can we take concrete measures to make our aim come true.



作室 Q

public realize its complex is of most importance, for, consciousness is the

Q :

According to the analysis above, it is urgent for us to take measures to maximize its








thought-provoking. );第二句话图画的整体描述,写作思路是:人物+动作+情景

a closer watch, it is not difficult to find the deep innovation.)第四句话,细节描述,也就是图画的寓意点。(the ball they are kicking is their old father)

社会问题型 第一段


draws more and more attention from many quarters.Naturally, it is not


a coincidence. Several factors could account for it and the following are the most critical ones: ① 经济原因

② 公共意识

The public fail to see the consequence of the problem conveyed by the picture above and let it go without taking any action.

author illustrates in the cartoon reflects a hot topic which caused our concern: the


作室 Q

(例,a flower is blossoming in a green house); 第三句话,模板(例,if we give it

Q :

一个建议思路:四句话写作第一段。第一句话,模板(例this picture is simple but


③ 法律法规

In spite of the seriousness of this problem, related laws and regulations haven ’t been made before things get worse.

④ 家庭教育Not every parents is qualified for bringing up children successfully ,and thus their children

No other problem) than the phenomenon describes in the above picture(s). 第三段:我们提出改进措施

Proper measures must be taken to______and the great efforts should be made to _______The current state of affairs may have been encouragedby the lack of legal

illegal .

关于人生社会的抽象话题 第一段


it is that play a vital role in ones entire life. Naturally, anyone who is in possession of likely to overcome the obstacles which are inevitable if ones are proceeding forward and achieve successive successes. However, there are a

nuts and deal with the challenges . And any minor barrier tend to be a factor that leads


to their final failure . The above picture is a vivid reflection of what I have discussed.


Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of___in our society. We should bear in mind that____is of great significance to both our society and ourselves. Every one should have the ability of____. Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in.

great number of people lacking in 考工

what the author illustrates in the cartoon reflects a hot topic which caused our concern:

作室 Q

Q :

penalty. It is a promising start to take legislative initiative make the behavior of …


关于社会中具体事物利弊分析 第一段


What the author illustrates in the cartoon reflects a hot topic which caused our concern :the wide presence of has caused mixed result . It is not a difficult job to realize its advantages and disadvantages. However, in my opinion, its attractions outweigh its shortcomings, though no one can deny its disadvantages. To begin with, …… Furthermore, …… The phenomenon described in the above picture vividly reflects what we have discussed . 第三段,使优势最大化,负面影响最小

advantages and minimize its disadvantages. Of the steps that we can take, to make the

precondition of action. Only after being conscious, can we take concrete measures to make our aim come true.



作室 Q

public realize its complex is of most importance, for, consciousness is the

Q :

According to the analysis above, it is urgent for us to take measures to maximize its



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