

The following verbs frequently appear when reading the cooking instructions in recipes.


add: To put ingredients together; to put one ingredient with the others. 添加:将原料放在一起,加入另一种原料

bake: To cook in an oven by using heat. 烘烤:在烤箱里进行烘焙 barbecue: To cook foods (primarily meat) on a grill by using fire or hot coals. 烧烤:用置于火或热碳上的烤架烧烤食物(主要是肉类)

beat: To mix quickly and continually, commonly used with eggs. 搅打 (蛋、奶油等):迅速不停的搅拌,通常是搅打鸡蛋

boil: To heat water until little bubbles form. 烧开:将水加热,直到冒小气泡

break: To separate into smaller parts by force. 撕开:将食材分为

更小的部分 broil: To cook meat or vegetables on a rack with an extremely high temperature. 烤:把肉或蔬菜放在架子上用高温烹制

carve: To cut meat into slices. 切:把肉切成薄片

chop: To cut into small pieces, generally used with vegetables. 切:切成小块,一般指蔬菜

combine: To put two or more things together. 结合:把两个或更多的原料放在一起

cook: To prepare food by heating it, so the food is not raw. 烹调:加热食物,让食物变熟 crush: To cause to separate or flatten by extreme force, often used with garlic. 压碎:通常是把大蒜拍碎

cut: To separate or divide by using a knife. 切:用刀切食物揉

fry: To cook by putting the food into extremely hot oil. 炸:把食物


grease: To coat with oil or butter. 给…涂上油:用油或黄油烹饪

grill: To cook by putting the food on a grill; similar to barbecue. 烧烤:把食物放在烤架上烹制,类似于烧烤

knead: To press and stretch dough, usually used with making bread. 揉:通常在做面包时揉面团

mix: To combine two or more things using a spoon, spatula, or electric mixer. 混合:用勺子、抹刀或电动搅拌机把两种或更多原料混合在一起

measure: To obtain an exact quantity. 测量:以获得原料准确数量

melt: to make something become liquid through heating. 融化:加热食物,使之变成液

microwave: To heat up food within a microwave oven. 用微波炉 (烹调或加热):在微波炉里加热食物

mince: to grind food, normally meat, into small pieces. A machine is often used to do this. 铰碎:把肉类铰成小块

peel: To take the skin off of fruits or vegetables. 削皮:削去水果或蔬菜的外皮

pour: To transfer liquid from one container to another. 倒 (液体等):把一个容器里的液体倒入另一个容器里

put: To place something in a particular position or location. 放置:把东西放在特定位置

roast: To cook in the oven or over a fire. 烤:把食物放在烤箱或火上烘烤

sauté: To quickly fry food by placing it in hot oil in a frying pan. 炒:在煎锅里倒入油,把食物放进去炸 scramble: To mix the white and yellow parts of eggs together while cooking them in a pan. 炒 (蛋):在平底锅炒蛋,将蛋黄和蛋白进行翻炒

slice: To cut into thin, wide portions. 切片:把食材切成薄片

steam: To cook by placing the food above boiling water. 蒸:把食物放在烧开的水上蒸。

stir: To mix liquid ingredients by moving a spoon around in a circular motion 搅拌:用勺子将液体混合在一起

stir fry: To cook small pieces of food by moving it quickly in hot oil 用大火炒:把小块的食物放进热油里迅速翻炒

wash: To immerse food in water and make sure it becomes clean 洗:把食物放在水里洗干净

weigh: To measure the weight (grams or pounds) or something 称 (重量):称某物的重量


The following verbs frequently appear when reading the cooking instructions in recipes.


add: To put ingredients together; to put one ingredient with the others. 添加:将原料放在一起,加入另一种原料

bake: To cook in an oven by using heat. 烘烤:在烤箱里进行烘焙 barbecue: To cook foods (primarily meat) on a grill by using fire or hot coals. 烧烤:用置于火或热碳上的烤架烧烤食物(主要是肉类)

beat: To mix quickly and continually, commonly used with eggs. 搅打 (蛋、奶油等):迅速不停的搅拌,通常是搅打鸡蛋

boil: To heat water until little bubbles form. 烧开:将水加热,直到冒小气泡

break: To separate into smaller parts by force. 撕开:将食材分为

更小的部分 broil: To cook meat or vegetables on a rack with an extremely high temperature. 烤:把肉或蔬菜放在架子上用高温烹制

carve: To cut meat into slices. 切:把肉切成薄片

chop: To cut into small pieces, generally used with vegetables. 切:切成小块,一般指蔬菜

combine: To put two or more things together. 结合:把两个或更多的原料放在一起

cook: To prepare food by heating it, so the food is not raw. 烹调:加热食物,让食物变熟 crush: To cause to separate or flatten by extreme force, often used with garlic. 压碎:通常是把大蒜拍碎

cut: To separate or divide by using a knife. 切:用刀切食物揉

fry: To cook by putting the food into extremely hot oil. 炸:把食物


grease: To coat with oil or butter. 给…涂上油:用油或黄油烹饪

grill: To cook by putting the food on a grill; similar to barbecue. 烧烤:把食物放在烤架上烹制,类似于烧烤

knead: To press and stretch dough, usually used with making bread. 揉:通常在做面包时揉面团

mix: To combine two or more things using a spoon, spatula, or electric mixer. 混合:用勺子、抹刀或电动搅拌机把两种或更多原料混合在一起

measure: To obtain an exact quantity. 测量:以获得原料准确数量

melt: to make something become liquid through heating. 融化:加热食物,使之变成液

microwave: To heat up food within a microwave oven. 用微波炉 (烹调或加热):在微波炉里加热食物

mince: to grind food, normally meat, into small pieces. A machine is often used to do this. 铰碎:把肉类铰成小块

peel: To take the skin off of fruits or vegetables. 削皮:削去水果或蔬菜的外皮

pour: To transfer liquid from one container to another. 倒 (液体等):把一个容器里的液体倒入另一个容器里

put: To place something in a particular position or location. 放置:把东西放在特定位置

roast: To cook in the oven or over a fire. 烤:把食物放在烤箱或火上烘烤

sauté: To quickly fry food by placing it in hot oil in a frying pan. 炒:在煎锅里倒入油,把食物放进去炸 scramble: To mix the white and yellow parts of eggs together while cooking them in a pan. 炒 (蛋):在平底锅炒蛋,将蛋黄和蛋白进行翻炒

slice: To cut into thin, wide portions. 切片:把食材切成薄片

steam: To cook by placing the food above boiling water. 蒸:把食物放在烧开的水上蒸。

stir: To mix liquid ingredients by moving a spoon around in a circular motion 搅拌:用勺子将液体混合在一起

stir fry: To cook small pieces of food by moving it quickly in hot oil 用大火炒:把小块的食物放进热油里迅速翻炒

wash: To immerse food in water and make sure it becomes clean 洗:把食物放在水里洗干净

weigh: To measure the weight (grams or pounds) or something 称 (重量):称某物的重量


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