

1)analyst – enterprise risk services( for it risk service group, computer background is preferred )

2)associate- forensic & dispute services (sh), financial advisory services (for forensic associate, any disciplines, with accounting, finance, or a business related discipline preferred. for analytic & forensic technology associate computer science background is preferred)


responsible for helping our clients improve business confidence, manage business and process risks and ensure early warning mechanisms are in place through various risk consulting services, internal auditing information technology auditing and information technology security consulting services.


1. bachelor degree or above in computer science or a computer related discipline preferred

2. strong academic performance

3. aspired to be an professional and demonstrated strong interest in our profession

4. demonstrate active learning capability

5. demonstrate ability to comprehend(理解) and analyze complex issue in business context

6. demonstrate ability to manage multiple tasks

7. be able to communicate effectively and relate with people effectively

8. demonstrate leadership potential at extra curriculum activities

9. be proficient(熟练的) in ms office and other computer software


description on forensic & dispute services (sh), financial advisory services

occurrences of fraud, corruption and dishonesty(不诚实) are all too common in the commercial world. they have no respect for national boundaries, social status or cultural differences and cause signification(意义) damage to organisations' reputation, assets and stakeholder(利益相关者) confidence. deloitte forensic and dispute services have, for many years, been helping organisations deal with these issues, both in proactive(前摄的) and reactive situations. our team members have assisted organizations manage these issues and focus on outcomes that address reputation protection, asset recovery and prevention.

look for high calibre(口径) candidates for associate positions in our core forensic and analytic & forensic technology team.


1. conduct forensic enquiries and litigation support engagements

2. undertake tasks assigned diligently(勤奋地) and timely, to the satisfaction of the supervising(监控) senior or manager.

3. analyse financial and business data, conduct desk top researches on topics assigned.

4. support engagement teams as required.

5. work independently and report findings or difficulties encountered.

6. ensure compliance within the team and in line with deloitte policies and quality/performance standards

requirements for forensic associate

1.bachelor degree or above, major in accounting or finance preferred, other degree major will also be considered

2.strong communication and writing skills in both english and mandarin is required.

3.a good team player with excellent analytical, communication, presentation and interpersonal skills

4.proficient(熟练的) in microsoft applications


1)analyst – enterprise risk services( for it risk service group, computer background is preferred )

2)associate- forensic & dispute services (sh), financial advisory services (for forensic associate, any disciplines, with accounting, finance, or a business related discipline preferred. for analytic & forensic technology associate computer science background is preferred)


responsible for helping our clients improve business confidence, manage business and process risks and ensure early warning mechanisms are in place through various risk consulting services, internal auditing information technology auditing and information technology security consulting services.


1. bachelor degree or above in computer science or a computer related discipline preferred

2. strong academic performance

3. aspired to be an professional and demonstrated strong interest in our profession

4. demonstrate active learning capability

5. demonstrate ability to comprehend(理解) and analyze complex issue in business context

6. demonstrate ability to manage multiple tasks

7. be able to communicate effectively and relate with people effectively

8. demonstrate leadership potential at extra curriculum activities

9. be proficient(熟练的) in ms office and other computer software


description on forensic & dispute services (sh), financial advisory services

occurrences of fraud, corruption and dishonesty(不诚实) are all too common in the commercial world. they have no respect for national boundaries, social status or cultural differences and cause signification(意义) damage to organisations' reputation, assets and stakeholder(利益相关者) confidence. deloitte forensic and dispute services have, for many years, been helping organisations deal with these issues, both in proactive(前摄的) and reactive situations. our team members have assisted organizations manage these issues and focus on outcomes that address reputation protection, asset recovery and prevention.

look for high calibre(口径) candidates for associate positions in our core forensic and analytic & forensic technology team.


1. conduct forensic enquiries and litigation support engagements

2. undertake tasks assigned diligently(勤奋地) and timely, to the satisfaction of the supervising(监控) senior or manager.

3. analyse financial and business data, conduct desk top researches on topics assigned.

4. support engagement teams as required.

5. work independently and report findings or difficulties encountered.

6. ensure compliance within the team and in line with deloitte policies and quality/performance standards

requirements for forensic associate

1.bachelor degree or above, major in accounting or finance preferred, other degree major will also be considered

2.strong communication and writing skills in both english and mandarin is required.

3.a good team player with excellent analytical, communication, presentation and interpersonal skills

4.proficient(熟练的) in microsoft applications


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