

TO : the Consulate General of in Guangzhou


Dear Sir or Madam:

As invited by , the delegation of two people, headed by

Mr. company and Mr. , the department manager of______ company, will go to your country in July to

discuss the cooperation between the company on the future cooperation,the duration of their stay will be 10 days. The name-list of the

delegation is as follows:

All costs including medical insurance occurred during this trip will be covered by company ;and we guarantee that during this trip, they will obey laws of your country, and be back as scheduled. It will be grateful if you issue them visas as soon as possible!

Best regards

Your sincerely


General manager


TO : the Consulate General of in Guangzhou


Dear Sir or Madam:

As invited by , the delegation of two people, headed by

Mr. company and Mr. , the department manager of______ company, will go to your country in July to

discuss the cooperation between the company on the future cooperation,the duration of their stay will be 10 days. The name-list of the

delegation is as follows:

All costs including medical insurance occurred during this trip will be covered by company ;and we guarantee that during this trip, they will obey laws of your country, and be back as scheduled. It will be grateful if you issue them visas as soon as possible!

Best regards

Your sincerely


General manager


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