


Crafty and productive Chinese Zodiac-Rat


With a petty look, the rat leads a sneaking existence and brings great troubles to humans all the time. An old saying “A rat crossing the street is chased by all” gives expression to people’s sharp disgust towards the notorious creature in China. Deemed as a member of four pests, rat, however, claims the first and most prominent position on the Chinese zodiac related

, which has been questioned by people from ancient time till now. ’s place in his works:“Placing the pig at the bottom can be justified while who can be convinced of the rat to represent the zodiac cycle? Well, the divine Dragon and the powerful tiger, considered as all-mighty creatures, although prior to the pig, is it sheer unreasonable to be put behind the small rat?




偷窃游泳者换下的衣物、殡仪馆发死人财、偷电的人;它阴险多疑,成语“鼠心狼肺”、“胆小如鼠”、“首鼠两端”、“鼠迹狐踪”分别用以形容人阴险狠毒、胆小怕事、见风使驼、行迹鬼祟;它遇事善逃,成语“抱头鼠窜”、“鼠窜狼奔”、“鼠窜蜂逝”等形容仓皇逃窜的狼狈样子。老鼠好磨牙,于是就有了 “鼠牙雀辩”这一成语,比喻喜欢逞口舌之利搬弄是非„„如果要细数老鼠的种种劣迹,就难免令人厌恶不已,于是有了“鼠雀之辈”、“鼠辈”、“鼠子”等词语讽刺那些鄙陋委琐之徒。后魏卢元明《剧鼠赋》惟妙惟肖地描写了鼠的丑恶面目:“须似麦穗半垂,眼如豆角中劈,耳类槐叶初生,尾若酒杯余沥。乃有老者,羸髋疥癞,偏多奸计,众中无敌。”读罢,一个鄙俗不堪、老奸巨滑的老鼠形象便显现在眼前。



broadly, "rodent".

CHINESE ZODIAC - RATThe Chinese astrological cycle begins with the year of the Rat; consequently those born within this category like to be first, pioneers, at the forefront of ... Year of the Rat - Chinese Zodiac Rat SignAre you born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat?

Occupying the 1st and most prominent position on the Chinese Zodiac, the Rat symbolizes such character traits as wit, imagination and curiosity. Rats have keen observation skills and with those skills they’re able to deduce much about other people and other situations. Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming but they have a tendency to become aggressive.

The symbol of the rat is considered to be one of the most prominent symbols of the Chinese zodiac cycle. After all it is the first symbol of the entire twelve year cycle hence it must be special. When you compare the general perceptions that people have about the rat between the western and the Chinese culture we find them to be diametrically opposite.

To the west the rat is no more than a pest but for the Chinese their long history and tradition of the zodiac symbols has placed the rat on an elevated position. Besides, it was the deep insight and observation skills of the Chinese philosophers of ancient times that enabled them to see the innate qualities with which the rat has been endowed. As it is the Chinese are known for their great observation skills. In the case of the rat they were able to see that by nature the rat’s natural disposition bears some likeliness with certain human characteristics. The observers drew a complete character sketch of this zodiac symbol that illustrates all those qualities that the rat displays in his natural environment.

The rat is considered to be a rather intelligent creature. It has been observed that the rat is a rather perseverant and hardworking animal that works its way creatively to meet its end objectives. Objectivity is one of the virtues attributed to the rat. If the rat is part of some thing it likes to be in total control of it. In its essence the rat’s personality is described as a perfectionist. Hence the people born in the year of the rat are not only labeled with the zodiac sign they are considered to have these qualities deep down inside of themselves. The extent to which each individual is able to realize the qualities that his zodiac sign has varies according from individual to individual.

One of the things that make the Chinese zodiac symbol of the rat special is the fact that it is the very first animal of the entire zodiac cycle. What is even more interesting is how it managed to claim that position. There are many legendary stories that tell us about the clever run of the rat to end up in the top spot. Considering that the zodiac calendar consists of much bigger and stronger creatures than the rat a person who is unaware of the history and origins of the Chinese zodiac may not be able to comprehend how come the rat is the first of the animals to represent the zodiac cycle. The race that determined the order of the twelve animals of the zodiac calendar is where the rat displayed his true intelligence. It knew that it stood no chance against the other animals had it relied on its own brawn. Rather it used its brain and actually rode the entire duration of the race on the ox’s back that was all set to claim the top spot. On reaching close to the finish line however the rat made a jump for it and deprived the ox of the first position thereby attaining the position of being the first zodiac symbol of the twelve year calendar.



Crafty and productive Chinese Zodiac-Rat


With a petty look, the rat leads a sneaking existence and brings great troubles to humans all the time. An old saying “A rat crossing the street is chased by all” gives expression to people’s sharp disgust towards the notorious creature in China. Deemed as a member of four pests, rat, however, claims the first and most prominent position on the Chinese zodiac related

, which has been questioned by people from ancient time till now. ’s place in his works:“Placing the pig at the bottom can be justified while who can be convinced of the rat to represent the zodiac cycle? Well, the divine Dragon and the powerful tiger, considered as all-mighty creatures, although prior to the pig, is it sheer unreasonable to be put behind the small rat?




偷窃游泳者换下的衣物、殡仪馆发死人财、偷电的人;它阴险多疑,成语“鼠心狼肺”、“胆小如鼠”、“首鼠两端”、“鼠迹狐踪”分别用以形容人阴险狠毒、胆小怕事、见风使驼、行迹鬼祟;它遇事善逃,成语“抱头鼠窜”、“鼠窜狼奔”、“鼠窜蜂逝”等形容仓皇逃窜的狼狈样子。老鼠好磨牙,于是就有了 “鼠牙雀辩”这一成语,比喻喜欢逞口舌之利搬弄是非„„如果要细数老鼠的种种劣迹,就难免令人厌恶不已,于是有了“鼠雀之辈”、“鼠辈”、“鼠子”等词语讽刺那些鄙陋委琐之徒。后魏卢元明《剧鼠赋》惟妙惟肖地描写了鼠的丑恶面目:“须似麦穗半垂,眼如豆角中劈,耳类槐叶初生,尾若酒杯余沥。乃有老者,羸髋疥癞,偏多奸计,众中无敌。”读罢,一个鄙俗不堪、老奸巨滑的老鼠形象便显现在眼前。



broadly, "rodent".

CHINESE ZODIAC - RATThe Chinese astrological cycle begins with the year of the Rat; consequently those born within this category like to be first, pioneers, at the forefront of ... Year of the Rat - Chinese Zodiac Rat SignAre you born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat?

Occupying the 1st and most prominent position on the Chinese Zodiac, the Rat symbolizes such character traits as wit, imagination and curiosity. Rats have keen observation skills and with those skills they’re able to deduce much about other people and other situations. Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming but they have a tendency to become aggressive.

The symbol of the rat is considered to be one of the most prominent symbols of the Chinese zodiac cycle. After all it is the first symbol of the entire twelve year cycle hence it must be special. When you compare the general perceptions that people have about the rat between the western and the Chinese culture we find them to be diametrically opposite.

To the west the rat is no more than a pest but for the Chinese their long history and tradition of the zodiac symbols has placed the rat on an elevated position. Besides, it was the deep insight and observation skills of the Chinese philosophers of ancient times that enabled them to see the innate qualities with which the rat has been endowed. As it is the Chinese are known for their great observation skills. In the case of the rat they were able to see that by nature the rat’s natural disposition bears some likeliness with certain human characteristics. The observers drew a complete character sketch of this zodiac symbol that illustrates all those qualities that the rat displays in his natural environment.

The rat is considered to be a rather intelligent creature. It has been observed that the rat is a rather perseverant and hardworking animal that works its way creatively to meet its end objectives. Objectivity is one of the virtues attributed to the rat. If the rat is part of some thing it likes to be in total control of it. In its essence the rat’s personality is described as a perfectionist. Hence the people born in the year of the rat are not only labeled with the zodiac sign they are considered to have these qualities deep down inside of themselves. The extent to which each individual is able to realize the qualities that his zodiac sign has varies according from individual to individual.

One of the things that make the Chinese zodiac symbol of the rat special is the fact that it is the very first animal of the entire zodiac cycle. What is even more interesting is how it managed to claim that position. There are many legendary stories that tell us about the clever run of the rat to end up in the top spot. Considering that the zodiac calendar consists of much bigger and stronger creatures than the rat a person who is unaware of the history and origins of the Chinese zodiac may not be able to comprehend how come the rat is the first of the animals to represent the zodiac cycle. The race that determined the order of the twelve animals of the zodiac calendar is where the rat displayed his true intelligence. It knew that it stood no chance against the other animals had it relied on its own brawn. Rather it used its brain and actually rode the entire duration of the race on the ox’s back that was all set to claim the top spot. On reaching close to the finish line however the rat made a jump for it and deprived the ox of the first position thereby attaining the position of being the first zodiac symbol of the twelve year calendar.


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