
在许多的外企单位,员工辞职时不仅要写一份中文辞职信,而且同时也要递交一份英文辞职信,如何写一份简单的英文辞职信呢?以下是五篇外企英文辞职信范文,仅供参考. 外企英文辞职信范文 sample 1 company name or letterhead address city, state zip date dear effective october 1, i will assume the position of director of human resources for xxx, inc.
中文辞职信范本 亲爱的(上司名字): 本人已决定辞去现时(职位名称)的职位,并由x月x日(最后一个工作天的第二天)起开始正式生效. 在此,感谢(公司名称)给予本人学习的机会,并取得宝贵的工作经验.希望本人的离职不会为你带来很大的不便. 本人希望在离职之前,能够取得离职通知书. 祝工作愉快! (你的名字) 日期 英文辞职信范本 (your address) 3rd november xx (the
  英文辞职信范本 sample 1   company name or letterhead   address   city, state zip   date   addressee   address   city, state zip   dear   effective october 1, i will assume the position of director of human resources for xxx, inc., in baton rouge. therefor
英文辞职信范例 (your address) 3rd november xx (the name of your boss) (company name and section work with) (company's address) dear (the name of your boss),
dear mr.wong, re:resignation from the pos to settlement clerk i would like to let you know how much i have enjoyed my last three years at the hero company.hero company is an invaluable place for enric
842 bigelow streetdovernew hampshirehastings &johnson company92 summer streetboston, massachusettsgentlemen, please consider this letter my application for the position of bookkeeper in your accountin
dear mr. please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the gert institute. i plan to leave my job here on september 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date.
to: robert smith, sales manager from: bob fu, sales development date: may 6, xx subject: terminating engagment mr. smith, i have worked in the sales development as a salesman for six years, and i have been satisfied with this position. however, a fri
  英文辞职信范文:     dear   after months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, i see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with hhh (company). needless to say, after 12 years of
     每一份标准辞职信的格式都要有标题、称呼、正文、结尾、落款等。不管内容的长短,只有掌握好这几点,既可称为优秀辞职信。以下为现代辞职信范本,有中文辞职信和英文辞职信,请参考。   辞职信的范本 英文辞职信范文: dear all:   time flies, it has being more than three years being in the same trench with you, a group of dynamic, smart and initiative profes
英文辞职信范例 sample 1 company name or letterhead address city, state zip date addressee address city, state zip dear effective october 1, i will assume the position of director of human resources for xxx, inc., in baton rouge. therefore, please accept my
尊敬的xxx: xxx年初至今,进入公司工作两年的时间里,得到了公司各位同事的多方帮助,我非常感谢公司各位同事. 在过去的两年里,我在公司里工作的很开心,感觉公司的气氛就和一个大家庭一样,大家相处的融洽和睦,同时在公司里也学会了如何与同事相处,如何与客户建立良好关系等方面的东西.并在公司的过去两年里,利用公司给予良好学习时间,学习了一些新的东西来充实了自己,并增加自己的一些知识和实践经验.我对于公
尊敬的周校长: 您好! 最近,学校组织教研活动频繁,您费心了,现在不好意思,耽误你时间了,请您给我几分钟时间把这封信看完,本人在来桥方小学教书算算也快4年了,工作勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨,从不怨言,现有个请求,请求你大开绿灯放行,请误劝阻,本人决定以此,希望周校长您,带领全体153位老师开辟一条新的能彻底转换教师本色的光明大道,以学生为主体,老师主动亲近学生,要跟他(她)们做朋友,要彻底的关爱他们,本人也意识到身一名教师这样做很对不起自己的学生,人各有智,望领导在离去之后找一个比我更会体谅学生的好老师
英语求职信常用句型: replying to your advertisement into- day's issue of the(newspaper),i wish to apply for the position in your esteemed firm。拜读贵公司在今日(报纸)上广告,特此备函应征贵公司该职位。 i wish to apply for the position advertised in the enclosed clipping from the(newspaper
terminating engagement to: robert bush, sales manager from: bob wang, sales development date: may 6, 2002 subject: terminating engagment mr. bush, i h
  应用文主要包括书信、摘要、报告、备忘录四种。下面以求职信为例,谈应用文的写作,希望读者能举一反三。同时求职信是大学生步入社会、走向工作岗位的第一步,了解求职信的写法具有实际意义。   那么,如何用地道流利的英语写好一份求职信呢?关键要处理好求职信的五个组成部分:写信动机、自我介绍、本人能力、结尾、附件。   一、写信动机   通常求职信是针对报纸上招聘广告而写的。若此,信中须提到何月何日的报纸,有时工作机会是从朋友或介绍所听来的,有时写信人不知某机构、公司有工作机会,毛遂自荐。不论哪一种,求
 尊敬的先生/小姐:   您好!本人欲申请贵公司在报纸上刊登征求医药代表的职位.我自信符合贵公司的要求.   今年7月,我将从北京医学高等专科学校毕业.所学专业为临床医学.通过3年的在校学习,掌握了基本的医学知识,并多次参加学校组织的各种实习活动.   我是个勤奋好学的人,在大学期间,曾多次获得各项奖学金,我还担任过宣传委员,具有很强的组织和协调能力.我是个开朗、热心的人,有较强沟通能力.我坚信:事业心和责任感使我能够面队任何困难和挑战.   如今的医疗行业正在蓬勃发展,我愿加入其中,为中国医疗
dear mr. xxxx this is to inform you that i have accepted a position with another firm. therefore, i would like to offer my resignation effective on (date) i want to thank you for all that you have done for me in my employment here. it's been a pleasu
dear all: now it is time for me to say bye to everyone of you for being co-working in the last more than two years. here, i'd express my sincere thanks to you for the demonstration of team work spirit , and your professional technical/ management ski
尊敬的领导: 您好!怀着不舍的心情,我还是递上了这封辞职信.之所以不舍,是因为从小到大生长在铁路家庭里面,从外公外婆,爷爷奶奶到父母都将自己毕生的激情和热血洒在了铁路工作上,我没有华丽的语言来书写这一封辞职信,就说一下我在这份工作中的感受吧. 我出生在一个普通铁路工人的家庭里面,家里几乎所有人都在铁路上工作,从幼儿园到高中,我都在铁路学校上学,这似乎也意味着将来的命运.经过十年的苦读,学习不好的我