
Role: Henry(male) Sheldon(male) Natalya(female)

Chapter one

旁白:In a remote village there are two boys and a girl. They are goodfriends since childhood. When they grown up, Henry and Sheldon loved Natalya. She loves them, too. But Natalya is upset, She thinks it is hard to choose. If she choose one of them, it must upset the other one.

Henry: oh, dear Natalya, I love you, you are such a kind-hearted andbeautiful girl. you know how much I love you, and I know how much you love me too. Will you marry me, my darlin?

Natalya: Henry, I know you love……

Sheldon: no, no, no. Natalya, I love you much more than Henry, you areso perfect, just like the red rose, beautiful, enthusiastic. You are the right one to me. Will you marry me, my sweetie?

Natalya: Sheldon, you------

Henry: no, I love you much more, I’ll give my heart to you. Sheldon: no, it’s me. I’ll give you whatever you want. Henry and Sheldon: It’s me, me, me------

Natalya: stop, stop, ok. listen to me, I know you two both love me, butboth of you are excellent and handsome, I find it is hard to make a choice. What’s more, we are best friends, I’m afraid that my choice will break up our friendship.

En----( Henry and Sheldon)

Sheldon: why don’t we make a competition?

Natalya: competition?

Henry: compete what?

Sheldon: let Henry and me compete that who can achieve more success.Give us five years. five years later, we get together again and make a comparision. winner can marry Natalya.

Henry: En, ok, that’s it.

Chapter two

旁白:Two boys leave their home with passion and dreams. Five yearslater, they get together.

Natalya: now five years has passed, what have you achieved, Sheldon? Sheldon: oh, I have a beef cattle farm, every year my farm can feed 2,000beef cattle, and those beef cattle can earn me much money.

Natalya: Wow, you are so excellent. What about you, Henry? I know youcould do a good job, too.

Henry: Good job? (苦笑) maybe. I planted a large scale of orange tree,every year’s harvest could bring me much money. This year, I expend the planting---area of orange tree, and it took me nearly all the money. While I was looking forward to harvest

again, a strong thunderstorm stroke my orchard(果园). It ruined all, now, I’m just a poor guy.

Natalya: Poor Henry.

Sheldon: Bad luck!

Henry: Now, Sheldon, you win. You can marry Natalya. Sheldon: Henry-----

(Sheldon whispered with Natalya)

Natalya: Henry, Sheldon and I thought it is unfair to you. You are justlack ofSheldon: We decide to have a competition again. Give us another fiveyears to run our business. Five years later, we will make a comparison.

Henry: Sheldon, Natalya--------

Chapter three

旁白:Two boys leave their home again. Five years later, they gettogether. again.

Natalya: Oh, five years is too long. How much I miss you. Henry: Me too.

Natalya: Hey, Natalya, Henry, how do you do?

Natalya: I’m fine, and you?

Sheldon: Fine, I guess.

Natalya: Another five years has passed. What have you done?

Henry: Those years I start a company in city. Just my luck! My companydeveloped quickly, and I became a boss of a company with 300 staffs.

Natalya: Great. I am always knowing that failure would never stop youachieve success.

Henry: Sheldon, What about your beef cattle farm?

Sheldon: My beef cattle suffered infectious disease. A major of cattle aredied. I lost much money, bad luck!

Natalya: Sheldon, don’t be frustrate. You see, Henry failed at first, but heachieved success at last. I believe that you can do the same thing. Sheldon: Thank you. I feel better now. Anyway, I lost. You can marry

Natalya. Wish you live a happy life.

Henry: No, Sheldon. It is unfair to you. Last time Natalya and you gaveme another chance. This time, we shall make a third comparison. Natalya: Henry. But------

Sheldon: Really? Ok, just let us have a competition again.

Chapter four

旁白:Henry and Sheldon left home for more achievements. Every timethey got nearly equal success, again and again. They had already forgot the original purpose of competition. But Natalya

was still waiting the winner who would marry her. Day after day, year after year, Natalya changed from a beautiful girl to a middle—aged woman.

Henry: Hey, Sheldon. How do you do?

Sheldon: I’m fine, and you, my old friend?

Henry: Of course, not worse than you.

Sheldon: It seems that we make a draw again.

Henry: Look! She------is Natalya?

Sheldon: Oh, I can’t believe my eye.曾今的漂亮两女孩竟成了连带倦容的中年女人。

Natalya: Hey, guys. Who won this time?

Henry: It’s long time before I see you. You changed a lot. Sheldon: Yeah, I can hardly recognize you.

Natalya: Ok, no one can keep young forever. Now, just tell me whom Ishould marry?

Henry: Eh-------, this time, Sheldon’s business did better much than me. Natalya: That’s to say, I should marry Sheldon. Thank God, I can notwait any more. In fact, I don’t care whichever one of you I should marry. I just want to get married as soon as possible.

Sheldon: No, Natalya. Henry was too modest(谦虚), actually he did betterthan me, so you should get married with Henry.

Henry: No, no, no.

Sheldon and Henry 互相扯皮

Natalya: stop, I can’t stand you any more. Have you ever thought for me?My friend Lydia, she’s son has been studying in the university now. Look at me. I’m just a single woman.

Sheldon and Henry: Be calm, Natalya.

Sheldon: Let us discuss about it.

Sheldon and Henry are discussing------

Henry: I’m sorry, Natalya. But this time we can 分出胜负 certainly.

Sheldon: We shall have the final competition, and the loser will marryyou.

Natalya: (screaming)Oh, how dare you!(晕厥)

Role: Henry(male) Sheldon(male) Natalya(female)

Chapter one

旁白:In a remote village there are two boys and a girl. They are goodfriends since childhood. When they grown up, Henry and Sheldon loved Natalya. She loves them, too. But Natalya is upset, She thinks it is hard to choose. If she choose one of them, it must upset the other one.

Henry: oh, dear Natalya, I love you, you are such a kind-hearted andbeautiful girl. you know how much I love you, and I know how much you love me too. Will you marry me, my darlin?

Natalya: Henry, I know you love……

Sheldon: no, no, no. Natalya, I love you much more than Henry, you areso perfect, just like the red rose, beautiful, enthusiastic. You are the right one to me. Will you marry me, my sweetie?

Natalya: Sheldon, you------

Henry: no, I love you much more, I’ll give my heart to you. Sheldon: no, it’s me. I’ll give you whatever you want. Henry and Sheldon: It’s me, me, me------

Natalya: stop, stop, ok. listen to me, I know you two both love me, butboth of you are excellent and handsome, I find it is hard to make a choice. What’s more, we are best friends, I’m afraid that my choice will break up our friendship.

En----( Henry and Sheldon)

Sheldon: why don’t we make a competition?

Natalya: competition?

Henry: compete what?

Sheldon: let Henry and me compete that who can achieve more success.Give us five years. five years later, we get together again and make a comparision. winner can marry Natalya.

Henry: En, ok, that’s it.

Chapter two

旁白:Two boys leave their home with passion and dreams. Five yearslater, they get together.

Natalya: now five years has passed, what have you achieved, Sheldon? Sheldon: oh, I have a beef cattle farm, every year my farm can feed 2,000beef cattle, and those beef cattle can earn me much money.

Natalya: Wow, you are so excellent. What about you, Henry? I know youcould do a good job, too.

Henry: Good job? (苦笑) maybe. I planted a large scale of orange tree,every year’s harvest could bring me much money. This year, I expend the planting---area of orange tree, and it took me nearly all the money. While I was looking forward to harvest

again, a strong thunderstorm stroke my orchard(果园). It ruined all, now, I’m just a poor guy.

Natalya: Poor Henry.

Sheldon: Bad luck!

Henry: Now, Sheldon, you win. You can marry Natalya. Sheldon: Henry-----

(Sheldon whispered with Natalya)

Natalya: Henry, Sheldon and I thought it is unfair to you. You are justlack ofSheldon: We decide to have a competition again. Give us another fiveyears to run our business. Five years later, we will make a comparison.

Henry: Sheldon, Natalya--------

Chapter three

旁白:Two boys leave their home again. Five years later, they gettogether. again.

Natalya: Oh, five years is too long. How much I miss you. Henry: Me too.

Natalya: Hey, Natalya, Henry, how do you do?

Natalya: I’m fine, and you?

Sheldon: Fine, I guess.

Natalya: Another five years has passed. What have you done?

Henry: Those years I start a company in city. Just my luck! My companydeveloped quickly, and I became a boss of a company with 300 staffs.

Natalya: Great. I am always knowing that failure would never stop youachieve success.

Henry: Sheldon, What about your beef cattle farm?

Sheldon: My beef cattle suffered infectious disease. A major of cattle aredied. I lost much money, bad luck!

Natalya: Sheldon, don’t be frustrate. You see, Henry failed at first, but heachieved success at last. I believe that you can do the same thing. Sheldon: Thank you. I feel better now. Anyway, I lost. You can marry

Natalya. Wish you live a happy life.

Henry: No, Sheldon. It is unfair to you. Last time Natalya and you gaveme another chance. This time, we shall make a third comparison. Natalya: Henry. But------

Sheldon: Really? Ok, just let us have a competition again.

Chapter four

旁白:Henry and Sheldon left home for more achievements. Every timethey got nearly equal success, again and again. They had already forgot the original purpose of competition. But Natalya

was still waiting the winner who would marry her. Day after day, year after year, Natalya changed from a beautiful girl to a middle—aged woman.

Henry: Hey, Sheldon. How do you do?

Sheldon: I’m fine, and you, my old friend?

Henry: Of course, not worse than you.

Sheldon: It seems that we make a draw again.

Henry: Look! She------is Natalya?

Sheldon: Oh, I can’t believe my eye.曾今的漂亮两女孩竟成了连带倦容的中年女人。

Natalya: Hey, guys. Who won this time?

Henry: It’s long time before I see you. You changed a lot. Sheldon: Yeah, I can hardly recognize you.

Natalya: Ok, no one can keep young forever. Now, just tell me whom Ishould marry?

Henry: Eh-------, this time, Sheldon’s business did better much than me. Natalya: That’s to say, I should marry Sheldon. Thank God, I can notwait any more. In fact, I don’t care whichever one of you I should marry. I just want to get married as soon as possible.

Sheldon: No, Natalya. Henry was too modest(谦虚), actually he did betterthan me, so you should get married with Henry.

Henry: No, no, no.

Sheldon and Henry 互相扯皮

Natalya: stop, I can’t stand you any more. Have you ever thought for me?My friend Lydia, she’s son has been studying in the university now. Look at me. I’m just a single woman.

Sheldon and Henry: Be calm, Natalya.

Sheldon: Let us discuss about it.

Sheldon and Henry are discussing------

Henry: I’m sorry, Natalya. But this time we can 分出胜负 certainly.

Sheldon: We shall have the final competition, and the loser will marryyou.

Natalya: (screaming)Oh, how dare you!(晕厥)


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