

1. 生日派对Birthday Party

We cannot believe a whole year has gone by!

It feels like it w as just yesterd ay that we welcomed our sweet little angel, Rebecca into this world. Now she's a whole year old and we have nothing but joy in our hearts.

We want to share this joy with all our loved ones. So please, do join us, as we celebrate Baby Rebecca's first birthday on 08/15/2010 at our humble ho me. Please bring your family along and we shall all have a wonderful time together.

Hoping to see you,

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson



XYZ Lane,

Zip Code.

2. 鸡尾酒会Cocktail Party

Dear Ms. Shell,

My husband and I just moved into the neighborhood a few days ago. We live in 31/S, right on your lane. We've d ecided to throw a s mall cocktail party this Saturday, to get to know you'll, our wonderful new neighbors a little better. Nothing fancy, just a few people, a few drinks and a lot of interesti ng conversation.

Do come over for the party. I'm sure we'll all be great friends!

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Donna Kruger.

3. 订婚派对Engagement Party

We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compa tible with ours, we joi n up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. ~ Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss definitely knew exactly what he was talking about when he wrote that! I found my someone weird 3 years ago and I finally puckered up the courage to

ask her to marry me. Weird that she is, she said yes (thank you weird God).

We'd like you to join us in celebrating this weirdness at our engagement party on the 08/17/2010 from 7 pm onwards at 10/JKL, WER Street on FTG Avenue.


Carrie Smith: 1234567890

Hugh Dunham: 9876543210

4. 欢送会Farewell Party

Dear All,

We'd like to take this opportunity to invite you all to attend a farewell party in honor of Mr. David Melon (or Mr. D as he is fondly known). I'm sure all of you will agree that David has been a terrific boss and an inspiration to almost all of us when it comes to work and family life as well. So, let us all come together and wish him love and luck for his well earned retirement.

This Friday, 5 pm onwards, in the conference hall on the first floor.

Hum an Resources Department,

ABC & Co. Pvt. Ltd.

5. 正餐Formal Dinner

Dear Mr. & Mrs. ABC,

It is with great pleasure that we, Mr. & Mrs. LMN, invite you to attend a dinner party at our residence on the 08/19/2010. It is a formal party and many important people from the corporate world, like yourself, will be attending. We would be delighted if you would bring your precious children along as well.

The time and address are mentioned in the enclosed leaflet.

Thank you and looking forward to seeing you,

Mr. and Mrs. LMN


1. 生日派对Birthday Party

We cannot believe a whole year has gone by!

It feels like it w as just yesterd ay that we welcomed our sweet little angel, Rebecca into this world. Now she's a whole year old and we have nothing but joy in our hearts.

We want to share this joy with all our loved ones. So please, do join us, as we celebrate Baby Rebecca's first birthday on 08/15/2010 at our humble ho me. Please bring your family along and we shall all have a wonderful time together.

Hoping to see you,

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson



XYZ Lane,

Zip Code.

2. 鸡尾酒会Cocktail Party

Dear Ms. Shell,

My husband and I just moved into the neighborhood a few days ago. We live in 31/S, right on your lane. We've d ecided to throw a s mall cocktail party this Saturday, to get to know you'll, our wonderful new neighbors a little better. Nothing fancy, just a few people, a few drinks and a lot of interesti ng conversation.

Do come over for the party. I'm sure we'll all be great friends!

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Donna Kruger.

3. 订婚派对Engagement Party

We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compa tible with ours, we joi n up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. ~ Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss definitely knew exactly what he was talking about when he wrote that! I found my someone weird 3 years ago and I finally puckered up the courage to

ask her to marry me. Weird that she is, she said yes (thank you weird God).

We'd like you to join us in celebrating this weirdness at our engagement party on the 08/17/2010 from 7 pm onwards at 10/JKL, WER Street on FTG Avenue.


Carrie Smith: 1234567890

Hugh Dunham: 9876543210

4. 欢送会Farewell Party

Dear All,

We'd like to take this opportunity to invite you all to attend a farewell party in honor of Mr. David Melon (or Mr. D as he is fondly known). I'm sure all of you will agree that David has been a terrific boss and an inspiration to almost all of us when it comes to work and family life as well. So, let us all come together and wish him love and luck for his well earned retirement.

This Friday, 5 pm onwards, in the conference hall on the first floor.

Hum an Resources Department,

ABC & Co. Pvt. Ltd.

5. 正餐Formal Dinner

Dear Mr. & Mrs. ABC,

It is with great pleasure that we, Mr. & Mrs. LMN, invite you to attend a dinner party at our residence on the 08/19/2010. It is a formal party and many important people from the corporate world, like yourself, will be attending. We would be delighted if you would bring your precious children along as well.

The time and address are mentioned in the enclosed leaflet.

Thank you and looking forward to seeing you,

Mr. and Mrs. LMN


  • 请柬(柬贴)的写法与范例
  • 请柬:请柬是用于邀请公众参加庆典、宴会、纪念会、展览会等活动时常用的通知性的人际交流形式。 格式:1.封面:注明"请柬"、"恭请"等。 2.顶格写被邀请人的名字及称谓。 3.内容另起一行,空两格,交待活动内容、时间、地点。 4.结尾具礼、发柬者名称及时间。(有必要时,可加上入场券。) _______ ...

  • 请假条的英文翻译
  • Format [ ] 1 middle headline" excuse". The 2 leave the object name. The 3 leave reason. The 4 leave the start-stop time. 5 greeting words. 6 ...

  • 邀请信的分类
  • 邀请信(letter of invitation)是邀请亲朋好友或知名人士、专家等参加某项活动时所发的请约性书信。在国 际交往以及日常的各种社交活动中,这类书信使用广泛。英文邀请信可分为两种。(一)请柬(invitation card) 这是一种正规的邀请信。请柬的格式严谨而固定。一般适用于较庄重严 ...

  • 政府请假条格式
  • 格式 1.居中写标题“请假条”。 2.请假对象的称呼。 3.请假原由。 4.请假起止时间。 5.祝颂语。 6.请假人签名。 7.请假时间。 格式范本: 请假条 x x x : 我因……原因,于……事请假……时间,望批准。 此致 敬礼 x x x x年x月x日 〔格式内容〕 1.标题。 2.称渭。 3 ...

  • 创意结婚请柬范文
  • 一、结婚请柬格式、结婚请帖格式 1、双柬帖封面印上或写明“请柬”二字,一般应做些艺术加工,即采用名家书法、字面烫金或加以图案装饰等。有些单柬帖,“请柬”二字写在顶端第一行,字体较正文稍大。 2、无论单帖、双帖,在帖文行文方面大致是一样的。帖文首行顶格书写被邀请者的姓名或被邀请单位的名称。有的请柬把被 ...

  • 函的格式及范文
  • 1.针对公务人员/单位邀请函: 邀请函又叫请柬,也称请帖,是单位、团体或个人邀请有关人员出席隆重的会议、典礼,参加某些重大活动时发出的礼仪性书信。它不仅表示礼貌庄重,也有凭证作用。 1>格式要求。请柬一般由标题、称谓、正文、落款四部分组成。 标题即用大字书写的“请柬”两字,在第一行中间,或者占 ...

  • 函的格式范文
  • dear smith, i would hereby invite the members of frankfurt delegation totally 2 persons (listed attachment) led by you, to come over to china for xx a ...

  • 请柬(柬贴)
  • 请柬:请柬是用于邀请公众参加庆典.宴会.纪念会.展览会等活动时常用的通知性的人际交流形式.格式:1.封面:注明"请柬"."恭请"等. 2.顶格写被邀请人的名字及称谓. 3.内容另起一行,空两格,交待活动内容.时间.地点. 4.结尾具礼.发柬者名称及时间.(有必 ...

  • 婚庆策划方案建议
  • 一.邀请客人:邀请客人的方式决定了你的婚礼是否圆满. 专家建议使用下请柬的方式.提前一个月开始准备列出所需邀请人员名单,购买或定制请柬,在请柬上应该注明时间.地点.新人名字等要件,并要求收到请柬的人给予可否参加的明确回复,以此来确定具体前来的宾客人数以及对象. 发出请柬后,在估计已经收到的时候再给你

  • 请柬写作的注意事项
  • 请柬主要是表明对被邀请者的尊敬,同时也表明邀请者对此事的郑重态度,所以邀请双 方 即便近在咫尺,也必须送请柬。凡属比较隆重的喜庆活动,邀请客人均以请柬为准,切忌随 便口头招呼,顾此失彼。请柬是邀请宾客用的,所以在款式设计上,要注意其艺术性,一帧精美的请柬会使人感到 快乐和亲切。选用市场上的各种专 ...